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Every step feels as if I walk on needles, every step in these worn out shoes is one step less I have to take to get to the beautiful city of Venice. The rolling hills ahead of me seem daunting, towering over me like monsters in the night. I carry on.

My breaths come in uneven pants, my lungs feeling as if they are full of glass shards. The cold air around me is frigid with cold moisture. The gloomy clouds overhead flow with the breeze of the wind, floating away gently and revealing a beautiful starry sky.

I avert my gaze to my feet, watching as I take one step in front of the other, kicking the occasional rock in front of me like a football. The road is void of all cars, of all lights, my eyes' only guide being the constellations that shine above me. My breaths begin to come faster, more frequent as I march up yet another hill.

Within minutes, I'm at the top, and I immediately stop at the impeccably beautiful sight built in front of me.


Below me, and far beyond the side of the never ending mountain, the city of Venice stands tall. The night sky is now not only lit with stars, but by the lights showing through the thousands of windows in the city. Between the buildings a river runs, pontoon boats floating calmly in the ruffling waters. The lush green trees are beautiful, but not quite as breathtaking as the city in which lies in its wake.

I find myself stumbling forward along the road that begins to turn into a highway, leading to the great city that rests on an island. A single car passing by turns into two, then three, then ten. Their lights shine in my face and I can't help but shield my eyes from the bright LED headlights.

I hear a car approaching from behind me, the brakes squeaking as the vehicle slows.

"Ehi! Do you need a ride, Signorina?" I turn to the sound of an elderly man's voice.

"!" I say, not thinking twice about jumping in the car.


The road seems to stretch for miles, stretching a large span out into the water. Train tracks stand adjacent to the road, the port coming closer and closer as the man drives further down the road and to the city.

He had asked kindly where I was heading, and I told him the same story, but told him to drop me off at the sight of the first building. He didn't ask anymore questions.

The water appears black in the night, but getting closer and closer to the city it reveals a dark, beautiful navy blue. The water stands still, all waves halting as they hit the road supports. I close my eyes for a moment, taking in the euphoric feeling that now returns to me, counting my blessings and my fortune. I open them again and find that we are in the city, and it feels as if my eyes are deceiving me.

"Here you are, miss," the man kindly states, pulling over to the side of the road to let me out.

"Thank you so much," I say kindly, stepping out of the car feverishly, and with that he waves and drives on, his red Hyundi rounding a corner and disappearing.

I take in a deep breath, unable to believe my eyes as I pivot on my heel, taking in the two story shingled buildings around me. Few people crowd the streets, the sound of boats sloshing in the water calm and soothing. I stride over to the edge of the path and lean over, staring at my reflection in the rippling water below. Small fish swim just below the surface, silently begging for food from those above them.

I step away from the edge, turning back to face two apartment buildings right next to one another, split in half by a thin narrow alleyway. Without second thought, I stride forward, stepping into the alleyway and away from all possible threats.

The space is vacant, and I find myself settling down where the two buildings connect, dropping to the dirty ground.

I heave a sigh as my bottom touches the floor, a sigh of utter relief.

I can breathe again.

I am free again.

Everything that I have done has built up to this, my escape, my self liberation, and it feels nothing short of exhilarating. My legs tremble from beneath me, but I don't care, I don't care one bit.

This is my new life now, and I mustn't begin to complain, for I plan to live every moment in great appreciation.

I feel a blanket of sleep begin to be thrown over me, my eyelids heavy bricks. I drift off slowly, my body carried away as if on a boat to a brave new world.

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