Forty - Two

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His words remained on repeat in my head like a vinyl stuck on a never ending loop. They warmed my heart, the spark within me only growing to become an unstoppable blazing inferno engulfing every single nerve alive in my body. I never would have guessed that this would be my life now, sitting here beside him driving to return to the one place I told myself I would never see again.

The rain began to slow, the trees swaying ever so gently in the slight headwinds. The tall grasses sag to the ground with water droplets, some tree leaves acting like bowls that spill water to the grass below. Puddles litter the road like polka dots, the muddy water splashing every so often once a vehicle rushes through it. The gloom remained and darkened, giving off an eerie feeling of isolation and solitude.

Before I knew it, we pulled into the open gates, the gravel path crushing below the rolling tires.

"What the hell?"

I turn, confused, to Luca's sudden comment. There, I instantly am overwhelmed by flashing lights from inside, pounding music becoming louder and louder as we approach. Women of all gorgeous colors stand outside with few attractive men. Each well dressed man and woman have a glass in hand, conversing or dancing. They stumble about, some taking a seat on the steps of the mansion.

Luca shakes his head in disbelief from beside me, and I'm suddenly lost in his quick change in mood.

"What's wrong, Luca?" I question, completely oblivious.

He turns left quickly down another gravel road leading to a row of seven double garage doors. He huffs a breath before answering, "Enzo, he always does this shit," he says, frustrated, as his grip on the steering wheel tightens, his knuckles turning a bright shade of chiffon white. "He always complains about money, saying that we need to save and make sure our family name doesn't go bankrupt, then he turns around and does this: spending millions on these damn parties!" His voice gradually picks up with laced anger and fury. "He spends thousands on strippers, servers, alcohol, drugs, then turns around and fucking blames it on me! Always saying it's my fault because I busy myself with other things not related to this damn empire! I'm sick of this!" Luca slams his hand down on the leather wheel, then slowly runs a hand through his hair that fell in his eyes.

The car falls silent, not a single noise besides his heavy breaths filling the cabin. I sit stunned in my seat, his impeccably quick change of mood rendering me paralysed where I sit.

"I'm sorry," he says a moment later, pulling into a garage and closing it behind us. He doesn't get out of the car, instead he remains seated.

He leans forward, connecting his forehead with the steering wheel, heaving out a large sigh of defeat and animosity for his vile brother. I stare at him in pity, his back rising and falling with every forced breath. Involuntarily, I place my hand on his back, rubbing it gently for comfort, the ruffles of his now dry white dress shirt moving as I drag my fingers across the fabric.

"I just want to be free of this, you know? I know it's nothing compared to others...and the things they are going through, but I just want to leave this life and be done with it; start fresh somewhere else away from all this pressure."

My lips point down as I listen to the hurt and fatigue seep into his low, helpless voice. He's consumed with this never ending mantra of an expectation to be perfect, to always succeed; it is clear that he just isn't meant for that kind of life - no one is.

"It'll be alright," I softly say, leaning in closer to him, his faded scent of ocean spray crowding my nose.

He turns his head slightly to face me, his dark and tired eyes connecting with my own. He smiles lightly as he searches my face, his irises flickering rapidly over every visible inch. His curled hair falls over his head and to the side as he moves.

"I hope so, for both of us," he straightens up, leaning forward to place a small yet passionate peck on my lips, my eyes fluttering closed to soak up every bit of his touch.

He lets out a satisfied heave of warm air, twisting the key in the ignition to turn off the pulsing engine. He runs another hand through his jet black hair, each individual strand now naturally curling as it dries from the rain.

"Do you see that door over there?" He quickly points to a door all the way on the opposite end of the lengthy garage full of even more luxury cars.

I follow his finger to where it points and nod, "Yes."

"You are going to enter the house through there, it's a service hallway to the inside of the house; the servants use it occasionally. You need to stay out of sight, okay? It's going to be especially hard now that there's so many people here. When you get inside, go to the farthest left wing and lock yourself inside a room and don't come out, you understand?" Luca orders, his tone candid and serious.

"Yes," I weakly replied.

"Good, I'll find you later, okay? I have some things to do before. If anyone comes knocking on your door, don't let them in."

I only nod again in response, and at that he exits the car and I quickly follow. My heels click on the perfectly smooth concrete below.

I look over my shoulder for a moment to Luca who stares directly back at me, "I'll see you soon," he beams, his eyes warm and full of love, I return the smile.

Within that moment, I turn and walk towards the door on the opposite side of the garage, the entire time Luca's eyes remain on my back. I look back one more time, then push open the heavy door and slip inside the dimly lit space.

My heart races in my chest, a sudden pang of fear piercing the walls of my lungs. The music pounds, the walls vibrating to reflect the sound. I remember what these parties are like, full of nothing but drugs, sex, alcohol, and dancing. I wince at the memory, continuing my walk down the narrow space. I turn around a corner and ascend steps to the second floor where the south wing stands cold and quiet.

These passageways were always hidden behind walls, the doors to these hallways disguised to appear to be matching marble. I push open the hinges, the metal squeaking as it moves. Immediately to my right, I see a vacant room and slip inside, locking the door behind me and turning off all the lamps and illuminating lights.

I let out a soft exhale, silence engulfing me...but only for a moment. From somewhere, an unknown source, I begin to hear loud moans and shouts, loud banging following. My face twists in disgust, placing my hands over my ears.

It has always been strange to me how men and women at these repugnant parties could so willingly and freely get into bed with each other regardless of how long they've known each other. I never have and never will understand's an intimate and sacred act, how could they just so willingly sacrifice the meaning, the connection of it all?

I turn my attention to the windows, realizing that they face the backyard. There, even more people float around, dancing, shouting, just having the time of their lives.

My eyes glide away from them, instead slowly moving to a single drooping willow tree. A single swing hangs from its branches, and I instantly remember that moment so long ago where I sat for too long, just staring at its beauty.

Gianni's voice echoes in the back of my head for a second, and I can't help but wish to see her beautiful face once again.

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