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I place the pastry to my lips, the sugar sprinkled on top instantly dissolving in my mouth as I take bite after bite. The streets have since returned to normal, the crowd once gathered now gone, everyone on their way and doing what they always do. The car is gone, but the pole is still damaged, electricians working to fix the mess of jumbled wires.

I take a turn just before my apartment building, striding towards a small grocery shop with somewhat adequate prices. I pull the door open, the bell above me chiming lightly to alert my presence. Few people are inside, roaming the aisles up and down with baskets in hand full of items. The clerk sits behind the enclosed counter, infatuated with the small TV in front of him with the news playing.

I take hold of a basket, placing items one by one inside: half gallon of milk, grapes, nutrition bars, oats, cereal, and jerky. With my small amount, I come to the counter, where I am met with other shoppers and the clerk all staring intently at the screen, their ears trained on what the anchor has to say, and I can't help but listen too.

"Breaking news, we have received updates about the crash that happened earlier this morning in Venice involving a citizen and a black BMW vehicle. The woman is still yet to be found and her condition is unknown. But, the passengers inside have been identified to include Sergio Bianchi, a major drug lord just on the skirts of Levada who has been on the wanted list by the authorities for some time. He and his chauffeur have both fallen into a coma and it is unsure how such an occurrence is possible considering the mildness of the crash. More details will follow, but for now medics are unsure how this happened and what actions will be taken in the next few hours. Stay tuned for more info."

The TV then switches to a commercial break and the shoppers express their shock.

"Oh my! That poor girl! Who knows where she is!"

"That girl must've been an angel! She caused that drug lord scum to be caught! Come impressionante."

"Sure is impressive, alright, but strange...very strange," the clerk says, beginning to help the woman in front of him check out her items.

The shop falls into silence, yet my insides scream in utter fear.

Did I cause this?

How? How is this possible?

Did I put them in a coma? Oh god, did I do this to them?

I'm broken from my trance when the clerk calls after me repeatedly.

"Miss, are you ready?"

"Oh, yes, sorry, uh-, just a bit tired," I say in a panic.

"That's alright," he says with a warm smile, he is no older than thirty and has perfectly straight white teeth.

"So, the news is quite crazy," I began to say.

"Very, pretty crazy how a man like that can avoid capture all these years only to be taken down by a miniscule crash," the man chuckles and shakes his head in disbelief, beginning to scan my items one by one. I watch in agitation as the price continues to rise with each scanned item.

", have they said if the police have gone to his house?" I question, something inside me suddenly urging me to ask.

"No, they don't think that it's necessary, they've questioned his sons and they said that they had no idea of their father's trade, so they let them go, as far as I know, they're still in Levada but I could be wrong," the clerk states, shrugging his shoulders in doubt.

I nod in understanding.

"Alright, miss, your total is twenty-three forty-five."

I reach into my pocket for my small cash bag, pulling out thirty euro and handing it to the man. He places it in the cash register and returns the remaining currency to me.

"Have a nice day, miss," he says, staring me right in the eyes with his bright brown ones, his pearly teeth once again on display with a genuine smile.

"Thank you," with that, I grab the bags from the counter and leave, my suppressed thoughts once again returning.

What is going on?

This makes no sense!

How could they be in a coma? The crash wasn't bad!

They're looking for me, I should turn myself in, I caused this.

No, don't.

Too deep in thought, I bump into someone, and I immediately recoil in panic.

"Oh, pardon me," the woman says, startled by my touch.

"I-I'm so sorry," I stutter, staring at the women with dilated eyes.

"It's alright," she smiles warmly, and turns around to leave. At that, I immediately raced to my apartment building.

What is going on?

What is happening?

What is wrong with me?

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