Fifty - Four

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Light instantly floods my retinas as the frigid air envelops my body. My breaths come immediately after in full gasps, my chest rising up and down rapidly.

My eyes search the room rabidly, my dilated eyes taking in every detail. Everyone around me stares back at me in utter terror, their mouths ajar hanging to the floor.

"Get her IV quickly!" I hear someone shout as I try to sit straight up.

At that, pairs of hands on either side of me grasp onto my forearm, holding me down. At that moment I realize nothing else holds me down. The raw metal clasps once restraining my body are now gone.

"P-p-plea-" I struggle to get even one word out, my neck craning every which way as my mind goes into overdrive.

My eyes flail all over the room, instantly they land on a pair of limp legs and a puddle of blood hiding behind the cold table. I thrash around, trying to scream for release, but nothing comes out.


Their cold, gloved hands tighten over my skin, holding me down with such a force strong enough to leave behind bruises for days.

"Beatrice, calm down!" A distant beeping grows more incessant and annoying as my heart races a million miles a second. My breaths don't slow down, instead they come quicker and quicker, forcing the people around me to place a mask over my face.

"Beatrice you need to calm down!" The nurses' eyes are wide in bewilderment, their faces conveying confusion beyond comprehension. I hear a mixture of voices behind me.

"She cannot die, how is this even possible?"

"It makes no logical sense!" Their tones interlaced with shock.

I struggle to breathe through the mask, oxygen forcing its way down my throat. I attempt to calm my nerves, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. My body trembles as goosebumps cover my skin like a thin blanket. At that moment, I feel a hand come to rest on my lower abdomen and I seeth in anguish.

"She's burning, quickly, fetch some ice!" The demand is quickly fulfilled, for a cold, solid block of packaged ice comes to rest on my skin.

My back recoils, my spine curling into itself as I let out a bloodcurdling scream. They don't take it off. They press harder and harder on the scar, a war of pain and treachery overcoming my mind. Tears roll down my cheeks uncontrollably, my throat filling with a familiar metallic taste of boiling blood.

"Calm down, you have to calm down," I hear multiple voices order.

I struggle to rip the mask from my face, my arms limp and weak. The aggravating beeping sky rockets, the machine flashing with a warning sign.

"If she doesn't calm her heart down she will go into cardiac arrest," A loud, stern voice hollers, the man quickly fiddling with keys on a keyboard to shut the machine up.

"Deep breaths, Beatrice, deep breaths!" The nurse appears at my side, gesturing with her hands as she breathes in and out in demonstration.

I can barely see her through the rim of the mask which sits on the bridge of my nose. Fear radiates from her though, her heart visibly pounding through her scrubs. I eye her moving hands, following their rhythm with everything left in me.

"That's it, keep breathing, you're almost there."

The hands once clasped around my forearms, let go, placing my body gently down on the table. The machine behind my head slows its pace, the beeping ceasing every minute.

"You're almost there, Beatrice, you don't have to be afraid anymore...It's over."

Over? What's over? What does she mean?

I part my dry lips, my throat hoarse and full of scabs. I heave out a breath, the mask momentarily fogging over. I heave out another breath, trying to push out a word.


"Don't try to talk, you're putting too much stress on yourself. Just focus on breathing," the nurse steps closer to me, pushing strands of hair out of my lashes.

Her hands are gentle, soft. Every movement she makes is done with care. Her eyes are genuine, sorrowful. She reaches for the respirator mask, lightly unstrapping the bands wrapped around my sweaty head. I take more breaths now, my chest freely rising without any restriction.

The air is cold, crisp, it feels as if my lungs are full of spikes with every breath. My chest hitches a few times as I get accustomed to it, a momentary pain residing in my heart.

"Get her a blanket," the nurse orders, breaking her stare.

Another nurse comes around the corner with a weighted blanket in hand. The gentle woman takes it and swiftly places it over my shoulders as two other men lift me up to a sitting position. The weight is unbearable for a moment, but the warmth it provides is crucial.

"You're very weak, Beatrice, don't try to move anymore, okay?"

I try to nod in understanding, but all my salvaged energy has been spent. Black dots fill my vision as my eyes dart left to right.

All work has seemingly stopped, all devices and flasks turned off and empty. Every man and woman in the room stands silently, keeping to themselves as if in shame. They lean against countertops and cower away in dark corners, hiding from their sinister actions. The nurse catches my darting eyes, and places a soothing hand on my protruding spine.

"You don't need to be afraid anymore, Beatrice, it's over," she repeats.

I meet her gaze, apparent inquiry and confusion overtaking my irises.

"Luca came to find you, he freed us all," her voice is nothing short of blissful, her eyes lighting up at the idea of freedom.

"Luca?" I squeeze out faintly.

The nurse nods, "Yes, Luca," she smiles warmly, "He went to find Vincenzo."

Her last word strikes a nerve in my mind for my brain instantly floods with dread.

I open my lips again, "Vincenzo."

Worry flashes across the nurse's face, "Yes, Vincenzo, he won't ever touch you again, I promise you that," she tries to comfort me, rubbing reassuring circles on my shoulder.

"T-the blood, w-where is it?"

"It's gone, Beatrice, but Vincenzo took a vial of it...Beatrice, what is wrong?"

"I have t-to get to him," I croak.

"You are too weak for that, Beatrice, what is wrong?"


My voice gives up on me as the nurse's retinas widen with utter horror.

"Beatrice, what do you mean?" Her voice is urgent, fearful, utterly terrified. "Beatrice, what do you mean?!"

I open my mouth but nothing comes out besides empty breaths. I shake my head, one single tear dropping from my duct to my lap.

Funny how they didn't listen before but now they're terrified.

The nurse takes a step back as if in a trance, a hand pressed to her sweating forehead. Her mouth is slightly hanging ajar, the look of terror never ceasing from her expression.

"Death?" she mutters under her breath, her brain quickly making connections. She pivots on her heel to face the others, "We gotta get to Enzo, now!"

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