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He pulls through thick leaves, the motorcycle wheels moving at a slow speed as he steers to avoid holes in the path. The excitement and anxiety in my body skyrockets, but all immediately dissipates when we come to an expansive opening.

"Here we are," he says, and my eyes trail off to the large body of water, trees hanging around it like an oasis. A single rope hangs from a tree with a thick knot and plate at the bottom.

"What is this place?" I say in extreme wonder as I step off the bike, taking the helmet off to place it back on the bike.

"This is a place Ezno and I always used to visit when we came to Florence. Him and I would spend the entire day here, sometimes mom would come, too, but it was mostly just us," he elaborates, taking in the flawless landscape.

The water is a perfectly clear crystal blue, in the sunlight you could probably see the bottom. Trees hang over the water and sway gently in the breeze and tall grass and dandelions grow in patches in the dirt.

"It's beautiful," I say, my eyes gliding over the entire landscape. Not a single artificial sound can be heard. Crickets chirp in the grass as bluejays land on the branches and feed their babies early morning worms.

"Yeah, it's probably my favorite place," he shuts off the engine, placing the keys on the handle of the bike.

He strides to the water, stepping up on a thin dock reaching into the water. I watch with wide eyes as he motions to lift his shirt over his head. He throws it to the ground, next taking off his shoes and socks and sticking them inside. Without turning back, he jumps into the water, the once still lake now overcome with ripples.

He breaks the surface of the water, spitting out the water in his mouth, slicking back his hair that now appears midnight black.

"Come on," he says.

I walk to the dock, stopping just at the wood planks. I take my shoes off as well, placing them right next to his. Without taking another breath, I jump in, the water instantly feeling liberating.

"Feels nice, huh?"

I nod, wiping the water from my eyes.

"No matter what season it is, this water never gets cold, it's always so warm. I like to come here whenever I feel overwhelmed."

"I can see why," I answer, flapping my arms and kicking my feet to stay afloat.

Luca touches the bottom, his height sufficient enough for the depths of the waters. He swims over to me, and without another word splashes water right into my face.

"Hey!" I shout, and watch as he quickly swims away, and I'm quick to catch up to him.

He laughs loudly, his voice having a power over me that no one has ever had before. It is so deep, so rich and sweet, unlike anything I've ever heard in my life.

I catch him a moment later and hoist myself onto his back in an attempt to take him down, but he's too strong. His back muscles flex under me as I feel his arms take hold of me, bringing my body over his shoulder like a sack of flour and throwing me into the water.

I hear his continuous howling from above the water, his straight teeth on full display. Behind his indigo blue eyes a flicker of euphoria ignites, then completely engulfs his face like a burning pit.

"I'm gonna get you for this!" I shout at him as he begins to float on his back.

"I would like to see you try!"

I purse my lips, fake anger displayed on my face as I stare at him evilly. But it all soon fades as I watch him float.

Water droplets scurry down his body back down to the lake, the water tracing every indent and every muscle in his chest. His V-line appears only slightly, adding to his flawless features.

I swallow as hard as I can, standing still as he floats around peacefully, occasionally using his arms to stroke the water.

Suddenly, an idea comes to mind. I quietly swim to him, the water silently propelling my body closer to him as I stroke the water under the surface. His eyes are closed and his lips naturally parted.

At that moment, I push down on his chest and he falls under the surface. I laugh as bubbles come up to the surface as he sinks. My smile instantly falls when he doesn't come back up.

I wait for a moment, expecting to see him break the surface, but only bubbles rise.

"Luca," I say in slight worry, "Luca!"

At that moment, I feel his hands grab onto my hips as he comes out of the water, scaring me as he shoots from the water like a torpedo.

"You scared me!" I pout, hitting his rock hard chest.

He only laughs, "That's what you get for trying to drown me."

"I wasn't trying to drown you!"

"Mhmm, sure," he says, then he falls silent. He searches my eyes, his flickering between the two every few seconds.

His lips part as he takes in a breath, slowly lifting his palm to my face. His skin feels so soft, so gentle, his thumb beginning to rub circles around my temples as his fingers intertwined into my hair.

He stares at me for a moment longer, his body so close to mine. We share our breaths, the air around us growing increasingly hotter.

"Can I kiss you?" He breathes slowly, desire in his eyes as he stares down at my rose shaded lips.

"Yes," I exclaim, my chest constricting my breath.

At my answer, he connects the space between us, pulling my head closer to his with his strong arms. His lips move with rhythm, and I stand frozen, the feeling unlike anything I've ever experienced.

I remember always wondering what this felt like when I was younger, watching countless men and women make out with tongues at Sergio's parties. Never in a million years did I expect it to feel this good.

Luca moves down to my bottom lip, taking it in between his teeth and biting down softly. I let out a soft moan, my body electrified and tingling in places I've never felt tingling before. Our lips clash together with tempo, skin on skin, his lips so soft on mine.

He slowly puts his tongue out on my bottom lip, as if asking permission to enter, but without hesitation he forces his tongue inside, his hand sliding down to my neck as he pulls me even closer. His free hand wraps around my waist and under my bottom, hoisting me up out of the water as my legs involuntarily wrap around him.

His tongue explores my mouth, sliding over the roof of my mouth and intertwining with my own. I wrap one arm around his neck, the other coming to rest on his carved face. His tongue returns to his mouth, his lips moving slowly along with mine, until he pulls away breathlessly.

He breathes heavily, his chest rising and falling. His eyes rise from my lips to my irises, pleasure and excitement enticed within his indigo irises. My breaths come heavy too, creating a hot environment around us as water drops down from our faces to the lake.

He doesn't let go of my body, but instead holds me close and connects his forehead to mine. We stay silent, enjoying each other's touch and absorbing the heat felt from our fingertips.

I've always wanted something like this...and never in my life would I have expected it to feel this damn good.

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