Twenty - Seven

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Faceless bodies surround me, everything black and white. The space is empty, nothing around except the two screaming figures.

"Get the fuck away from her!"

"Don't you dare touch her!"

A mixture of two voices scream and yell over and over again, their voices overlapping.


"Baby, run as fast as you can, go!" A woman's voice hollers, but her body disappears.

"Go!" A man shouts next, his faceless figure dissolving into thin smoke.

My heart pulses within me, only one faceless figure left. The white dissolves to black, everything gone except for one body.

I try to scream, but hands wrap around my neck, choking me...killing me.

"Please!" I choke out between breaths, slapping and kicking my feet at the invisible force, the figure that once stood before me gone.

"Too bad, little one," a voice chuckles slowly, and at that moment a piercing pain unlike any other slashes across my abdomen, the hands around my neck releasing me.

My hands reach to my abdomen, my skin painted red. My knees hit the ground, my body falling to the floor, everything around me void of all detail.

"Help..." I choke. "Someone, please," I struggle to move, reaching a hand up into the darkness, but shortly, my whole world goes quiet.

My soul leaves, watching my lifeless body curled on the ground. My body turns into a white
silhouette, the only color being that of the crimson red liquid leaking from my stomach.

Suddenly, everything fades, the scene dissolving like ink in water. The once black background turns into that of a forest.

What is this?

What is happening?

A body appears in the ground, dirt disturbed all around the still being. The image stays there, for hours, never changing, until something comes out of the shadows.

Another body. It comes closer, the empty silhouette turning into that of a man in a perfectly pressed suit, his body slightly round with dirty blonde hair slicked back. His face comes into view, his young image a startling contrast to his old juniper eyes.

This makes no sense.

The body in the dirt evolves into my own, my view shifting. I feel his hand atop my head, his fingers intertwining in my hair. My body is naked, nothing covering my vulnerable figure.

"What is this?" The man asks himself, peering down at my body with peaked confusion. I hear him take off his jacket, placing it over my body to pick me up, and that's when he sees it.

The scar.

It stretches six inches, one point to the other, dried blood fresh in it's monstrous cut. He places his ear to my chest, a faint heartbeat pulsing from under my cold skin, but as he touches his ear to my skin, a shockwave sends his body stumbling backwards, causing him to drop the body.

He stares in wonder, but then he disappears, everything disappears.

I hear nothing for a while.

Nothing except a distant scream, one powerful enough to strike fear into any man.

It grows louder.

Louder and louder.

Until finally, I woke up.

My body shoots up from the bed as if it were ablaze with dancing flames. Incessant ringing knocks my brain senseless, the scream only growing louder, until I realize it to be my own.

No one else hears me, the world around me silent as I stand to my feet. I peer down to my abdomen, only to find my shirt soaked in crimson. I wrap a hand around my stomach, stumbling weakly to the mirror standing at the opposite end of the room. My body is dizzy and my mind delirious.

I throw out a hand, balancing myself on the wall. Steaming tears drip from my eyes as my screams grow louder. My body is overgrown with pain, I can't feel anything else. Everything around me feels hot, as if lava were poured on the floor.

I lift my shirt over my head with a loud cry, my damp hair sticking together in thick clumps. I raise my gaze, only to be met with nothing. There's nothing there but the scar, no blood, nothing. The skin around it grows red, irritated, blisters beginning to form around it as I watch in the mirror.

"What is this?" I scream, falling to the floor, pain taking away my ability to stand.

My mind spins out of control, dizziness causing the room around me to spin round and round. I curl into a ball, tears staining my scalding cheeks.

"Help me...please."

Then, the world falls quiet.

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