Forty - One

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The car was exactly where we left it, on the same stretch of road completely untouched or harmed. We spent the entire day in that hotel room, my body too weak to move from the said incident.

The skies are now completely dark, no moon or stars twinkling in the peaceful sky. Thick heavy clouds mask the beauty, the stars hiding behind the fluffy gloom. As we drove, small drops of water fell from them, then it grew thicker and louder, the droplets doubling in size, sounding like pounding hands on the car hood. The rain lit up in the sleek headlights, the windshield wipers swiping back and forth to clear the glass, only for it to return to how it was seconds before.

We sat in silence, just as we always did, the ride already halfway over. When the city of Florence disappeared behind us so many kilometers ago, I felt a bizarre feeling of sadness. I was going to miss the city, the mansion, and freedom. I felt so free there, I didn't feel pressured to stay hidden nor to stay away from the beautiful life that flourished outside the window.

Luca noticed this change and had said, "We will be back soon, I can promise you that."

His hands now rested on my thigh, the jeans he had bought me a loose fit on my body. Every so often he would lift my hand to his lips, every kiss placed on my palm left me longing for more.

I reach up to my neck to grab my necklace, but remember that it isn't there. My eyes open in momentary panic at the missing piece of jewelry. Then it dawns on me yet again, I never brought it with me, it's back in Venice in that vacant and dull apartment.


"Yes, love?" He turns his head from the stormy and dark road in front of him for a second to meet my gaze.

"Could we make a stop in Venice?" I ask, my voice coming across skeptical to his unknown answer.

"What for?" He asks genuinely.

"I left my necklace there."

"Love, there's plenty of jewelry to be had-"

"You don't understand, that necklace is the only thing I have left of my family, remember? That's the last piece I have of anyone from my past life," I explain, convincingly.

Luca nods, "Well then yes, yes of course."

We drive on a massive highway, more and more cars surrounding us. He switches lanes all the way to the right as soon as he sees a large sign with names of major cities printed on it, one of them being Venice. The same sign appears again down the road, but only with Venice displayed, the word Uscita printed in bold white letters on the juniper green sign.

"When we get there, we have to be quick, okay? I know that my brother has men in Venice still searching for you," Luca asserts, his tone candid.

I nod, "Okay.

"Do you remember how to get to your building?"

I nod again, my mind melting to see the spitting image of my old street. The balcony, the cramped space, it all comes back to me. Faint childrens' voices laughing and shouting echoed in my ears as I remember what it was like to watch them from above, cherishing their sweet laughter under the morning sky. Every morning, with a warm cup of tea, I would stand out there, breathing in heavily to inhale the candied scent of fresh ocean spray.

I feel a small smile spread across my lips, but as soon as his hand connects with my thigh again I shake away the memories. My gaze switches to outside the window, raindrops racing down the glass, their paths all different from the wind thrusting against the exterior.

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