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My lungs scream for me to stop, to catch an actual formulated breath, but I keep on. The pain is indescribable, but the feeling of euphoria taking over me at this moment is even more ineffable. I struggle to hide the forceful smile spreading across my thin face, my mind running a thousand meters a second.
What are you doing?!

The question plays on repeat.

Finding what I've been looking for.

The faint moonlight leads the way down the road, the wet asphalt holding small puddles of water dropped from the small rainshower passing through. The stars in the sky create flawless constellations, shining brightly in the now clear skies, free of all light pollution.

No cars pass by, effectively leaving me alone in the darkness. I slow my running pace, a single lamppost coming to view, that single one multiplying to ten others as I approach closer. The street is silent, two to three cars parked on each side, their windscreens covered in small droplets. I watch for a moment as the droplets race down to the car door, dripping off to the ground.

I avert my gaze to the left, an illuminated sign stating Benvenuti a Levada standing above tall bushes with small crimson flowers growing off the branches. I sigh to myself, alleviation washing over my body knowing I'm no longer lost. I knew there was a small town west of the Mansion, but never knew which way that really was, I guess I was lucky and guessed correctly.

I shove my hands in my pockets, my dry skin beginning to break from the slight chill strolling through the town. I come to a stop at a small directory, searching for a store or place to get help, realizing that I had no plan for this at all.

My eyes squint, trying to make out the small printed names of streets and shops on the piece of plastic. From the corner of my eye, I spot the mansion at the far corner of the map. My finger traces the road from the house up to Levada, attaining the distance I've traveled.

I rub at my nose, a sudden repugnant aroma deluging my nostrils. It smells as if a skunk scared away its predator near me, but I know that's not it.

"Bene, bene, what's this?"

A booming voice states behind me, their tone jocular and slurred. My heartbeat begins to race as I pivot on my sore feet, coming face to face with five young men.

I watch as two of them smoke from a rolled paper, breathing out the smoke only to inhale it back in through their noses quickly. One plays with a lighter, flicking the flame on and off, the light momentarily lighting his face to reveal countless scars and acne around his jaw.

"What do you want?" I question, trying my hardest to abolish the festering fear.

"Oh, you're a pretty little thing," the main man steps forward, the lamppost enlightening his young face. He appears to be no older than nineteen, maybe twenty.

"Get away from me," I say, asserting my dominance, which only earns me a circulating fit of laughter. They slap their knees and stumble dizzily at their sudden action.

The man in front of me stops laughing a moment later, rubbing at his bloodshot, swollen red eyes.

"You think you're so brave huh, cagna? It's one against five," he chuckles again, his words spilling sloppily from his mouth. The others behind him continue to smoke their weed, watching with amused expressions.

"You're wasting time, Alonzo, just grab her already!" One whistles, "Can't keep him waiting forever," he says, gesturing down to his pants with a laugh that is shared with everyone else.

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