Thirty - Three

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We come closer and closer to the club, the setting noticeably changing from casually dressed people to scandalous and beyond elegant couples. Men and women dress with high class, their faces hidden by their masks.
I look over my shoulder to see Luca place his mask over his face, driving with his knees slowly in the middle of the street. Even with a mask his attractiveness cannot be hidden.
"Put yours on," he says, gesturing to the mask sitting peacefully in my lap.
Men and women alike hoot and holler on either side of the street, drinks in hand. Luca drives straight forward into a makeshift lot where other highly expensive cars are parked, the area guarded by heavy security. He parks in an open spot and lets out a soft sigh, turning to face me.
"The entire night tonight, I want you always by my side, I will never leave you alone and vice versa, there are dangerous people in there," he points to the pounding club behind us, "Families in there that hate the Bianchi name with a burning passion. I don't want you anywhere near them, okay?"
"Why come then if these people are out to get you?"
"Because, I'm not gonna let some jealous buffoons spoil all the fun," he winks at me and chuckles, "Besides, that's why everyone wears these, so we can forget about our conflicts for the night."
He steps out of the vehicle and comes around to my side, helping me out. The music from inside the club floods into the street, every lyric and every beat can be felt by those standing just outside the door.
I stare for a moment at all of the people, stopping in place to take it all in.
"Are you alright?" Luca questions, a reassuring hand coming to rest on my bare arm.
I shudder a bit, coming out of a trance I never knew I entered. "Yeah," I say, "Yeah, I'm alright," I beam up at him and he does the same to me.
"Good, then let's go."
Hand in hand, we strive to the bouncer standing outside. Everyone around us moves to the side to let us through, forming a gauntlet for us to travel down. Cars continually pull up, letting out gorgeous women from their back seats. Luca leads up the steps, and reaches into his back pocket for a card. He passes through the door, only to be halted by a bellowing voice a moment later.
"Stop! Where's hers?" The bouncer gestures a halting hand up in front of my face, "No outsiders permitted without an entrance card."
Luca steps back to face the bouncer, a few inches taller than the bald man with an earpiece.
"She's with me," he reassures.
"Signore, she needs a card."
"Let me rephrase myself," Luca states, his voice became low as he steps dauntingly close to the man. "She is coming in here with me and I don't give two shits if she needs a card or not."
The bouncer stares up into his eyes and recognition flashes behind his retinas instantly.
"Forgive me, Signore Bianchi," he immediately steps to the side and grants us entrance.
I smile up at the man, feeling awful for the way he was spoken to. He smiles back at me then refocuses on the line of people just waiting to get a taste of the events inside. I cling to Luca's arm tightly as we stride down a lengthy, dark hallway.
"You didn't have to speak to him that way," I contort, my voice containing a hint of reprimand.
"I was raised to never take no for an answer, love, if someone stands in my way I put them in their place," he explains, and I suddenly feel sorry for him, realizing that he was raised with such entitlement. I guess that's the kind of power money gives you in this strange world.
The club music becomes louder and louder, the walls shaking and the floor vibrating. The vibrations pulse through my body, my veins becoming electrified as adrenaline flourishes within me. At that moment, we step into a large room, the ceilings stretching far beyond twenty feet. Men and women shake their bodies to the beat of the msic, grinding their hips on one another and feeling the vibrations through them. They scream and shout and laugh with intoxicated howls. People stand on the second floor, balconies wrapping all the way around the space. They stand with drinks in hand, watching the people run crazy below. The bar is crowded, the bartenders working behind the counter to keep up with the drink orders flooding in. People slur their words, some stumbling to keep their feet planted on the ground.
Glitter litters the floor, sparkles falling off glamorous dresses onto the ground. Everyone wears a mask, hiding their true identity and seemingly forgetting all their troubles. I smile at this, at their liberation, seeing how free they feel in their own skin brings happiness to me.
Luca's hand is warm in mine, his grip tightening just a bit. As we pass by, women stare at Luca with a certain lustful eye but immediately snarl as soon as they see me trailing behind, turning their backs towards us. Men do the same, but they ignore Luca completely.
We weave through the room, making it to a flight of stairs in the back of the club. It's almost impossible to hear your own thoughts, the music so blaring loud it makes it impossible to see straight. Purple and blue laser lights dance along the walls with strobe lights flickering on and off every second.
Luca pulls me close, his lips parted, "He's waiting upstairs, when we get in the room don't pay any attention to him, okay? Don't answer him if he asks a question or tries to talk to you."
My skin freezes and my hair sticks straight up, my anxiety peaking.
"Are you sure this is safe?" I ask, my voice wary and shaky.
"It'll only take a few minutes, I've already worked out most of the details for this deal, all I need is a signature," he reassures, peering over his shoulder down at me.
I release a nervous breath, my stomach beginning to churn again. I stand directly behind Luca, careful to avoid any and all contact from those around me in the tight space.
We arrive at a closed door, Luca not bothering to knock before he walks in.
"Ah! Luca! I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show!" The man pauses, his eyes immediately connecting with my figure, "And I see you brought a lovely lady with you, hello, darling," he grins, revealing his gold and silver crowns.
Luca pushes off his comment instantly, "I only need your signature, Moreno, then I'll be outta your way," his voice is firm and unwavering.
"You Bianchi folks, always so straight to the point! You never engage in niceties," he chuckles lightly, "Sit down, have a drink! Let's talk for a while!" He leans back in his seat, placing his arms around two women that sit very close to him, their bottoms almost sitting on his lap.
"That won't be necessary, Moreno," Luca answers, declining his request.
Moreno rolls his eyes and then whispers something to the woman on his left, making her giggle as he slowly bites her ear. Luca quietly scoffs beside me, noticeably growing impatient.
His hand still rests in mine, keeping a strong grip on me. I'm pushed slightly behind his back, but I can still see Moreno perfectly. Face tattoos around his eyes stick through his mask, his chin and jaw lined with stubble. He has a full head of jet-black hair, his skin free of any wrinkles. He seems no older than thirty at most, maybe younger.
His dark brown eyes turn serious, getting the hint that Luca is not here to make friends.
"Very well then, if you insist. Still, take a seat, I have questions for you, Bianchi," Moreno gestures to an open part of the booth across from him. A glass coffee table sits in between the comfortable booths, the surface full of empty glasses.
Luca takes a seat first, pulling me along with him and sneaking a hand around my waist to pull me even closer to his hip. Luca then pulls out a piece of paper from his wallet, a contract, and places it on the table in front of Moreno. He places an engraved "Bianchi Family Dealings" pen right next to it.
"Hold up, I said I have questions," Moreno holds up his palm, kicking his leg over the other, readjusting in his seat to get comfortable.
"Yes, I know."
"First, how can I trust that my product will be delivered safely and will be untraceable?"
"My men have been in this business a long time, they were hired under my grandfather and have worked for the family ever since, they know how to avoid authorities."
Moreno only nods, leaning forward, "How can you guarantee that I will get my full order, Bianchi? I have heard some pretty shady things about Vincenzo, how he only delivers half and nothing more," his eyebrows knit from under his mask, anticipating Luca's answer of reassurance.
"Vincenzo is not included in this deal. I am aware of his tactics and I don't agree with them, that is why I am making this deal solo. Through me, you will get everything you ask for down to the last speck."
"Good," Moreno says, satisfied. "Surely he will find out about this side deal, will he not?"
"Maybe," Luca says, leaning back in the booth. "But he can't do anything to change it. He's not the only one who has charge over this empire," he says with such satisfaction, knowing that he is in control. "Do you have any other concerns?" He adds.
Moreno brings a thinking hand to his chin, rubbing it slightly as his gaze comes to land on me. "Yeah, who is this lovely being, hm?" He asks, inquisitive as he peers around Luca's body to get a better look.
I stay still, the hair on the back of my neck standing straight up and goosebumps cover my legs.
"None of your goddamn business. What does this have to do with this deal?" Luca says, his tone abrasive and protective. I smile inwardly, his sudden protectiveness sending tingles to a place below my waist.
"Nothing," Moreno states honestly, "But I can't keep my eyes off her. What's your name, babygirl?" He stands from his seat just as I cringe at that name.
Luca stares at him intently, watching his every move with extreme caution. His body tenses, and his grip around my waist tightens, his fingertips sure to leave a bruise there.
"It is none of your concern, Moreno. Sit down so we can finish this and be on with the night."
"Hold on," Moreno says, dragging out the last word, "Didn't your father ever teach you to be nice to your customers, we are the ones that make your fortune...I'm sure you know that," he specifically glares right at Luca, his temper beginning to boil to the surface at Luca's candid state.
"I've learned. But I've also learned to put dogs in their place when they wander past their territory."
Moreno pushes off Luca's crude assertion, striding closer and closer to where I sit. My entire body involuntarily tenses, my bones trembling slightly.
"Take one more step, Moreno, I dare you," Luca stands from his seat, their heights equal. Luca steps in front of me as if to challenge him.
"Are we gonna have a problem here, Bianchi?"
"Not unless you create one, now sit down so we can finish this, I won't ask again," Luca's nostrils flare, his eyes burning with fury behind his mask.
Moreno only chuckles back at Luca, not taking him seriously in the slightest bit.
"Alright," he says, finally taking the hint and returning to his seat.
He snaps his fingers and one of his body guards who stands quietly in the corner steps forward, taking something from his pocket to hand it to Moreno. He takes hold of a pen, taking the cap off with his teeth and pushing the other pen out of the way.
"I better get everything, Luca, I'm not playing games. If I don't get what I want, there will be hell to pay," at his lingering words, he places the pen to paper, signing his full name in neat cursive on the bottom of the contract. "Two hundred grams, no more, no less."
"You will get everything as soon as your money shows up in our account, as soon as it does we will send everything to you in Guatemala, alright?"
Moreno nods, "Alright, now, get outta here, Bianchi, go enjoy the party," he says, his seriousness loosening up in seconds. He holds his drink up as Luca and I stand as if to toast to us. "Stay well, amigo," he says, his thick spanish accent showing through. Luca grabs the contract a second later, stuffing it in his pocket.
Luca says nothing more, and immediately heads for the door with me in tow. He steps out of the room back into the club, and he noticeably relaxes, taking in a long inhale and equally long exhale.
"I'm so sorry, Beatrice, I forgot how objectifying he can be," he whispers in my ear over the music, leaning down to my height. He pulls away and takes my face into his palm, rubbing my cheek gently.
"It's alright."
"Let's go get a drink," he announces, not spending a second more standing around. He heads straight for the stairs, striding down with a slight jump at every step.
The bar has since cleared, but the party below still rages on. The club music grows louder and louder, my eardrums shaking to the point where I feel like I will go deaf at any moment.
He leans against the counter and waits for the bartender's attention.
"A Sanbittèr Rosso for the lady and Whiskey for me, please," at my inquisitive stare, he answers my question, "Don't worry love, it's non-alcoholic."
I nod, turning to watch the bartender quickly make up our drinks, sliding them over to us a moment later. Just as Luca lifts his glass to his lips, someone from behind shouts his name.
From below his breath, Luca mutters a soft great and takes one more swig from his glass.
"You owe me a lot of money, you son of a bitch!" The voice shouts from behind, stepping closer to us.
At this, Luca turns around to meet the man in the face, his buddy following close behind him.
"Vincenzo does, not me. Go get your money from him."
"I would if he wasn't hiding in Levada like a pussy," the man snarls, his anger fuming.
Luca only shrugs at this, taking another drink, "Okay, so, what do you want me to do?"
The man lunges forward and takes hold of Luca's tux jacket, "I want you to get me my money!" He growls, shaking him back and forth, but Luca doesn't do much moving.
"Go get it from him then! I'm not your damn middle man! Let this be a lesson to you to not gamble with a prick like him, yeah?"
This comment only sets the man off, his hands balled into fists and his jaw clenching.
"You better watch it, Bianchi, you're not as tough as you think you are," he threatens, to which Luca only rolls his eyes and turns around, obviously done with this conversation. I turn around, too, but that's when he notices me.
"Fine, if I can't get my money, at least let me have some fun with your little whore," the man charges forward at me, taking tight hold of my hair and pulling it downward.
Before Luca can even react, I turn around swiftly and push the man off, not even registering my actions. At that moment, the man falls to the floor, his body going limp within seconds. Luca immediately stands, ready to fight but then realizes the man on the floor.
People shout and scream as they witness the man fall, the people pushing against one another to get away from the scene. Their wild and bewildered eyes stare down at the body then up directly at us. Their screams don't stop.
Within seconds, Luca stares down at me with eyes of confusion and a hint of fear, his eyes glinting behind his mask. Without a second more, he reaches for my hand and runs out of the club with me behind him.
I feel the people stare daggers into our backs as the music completely stops. Within seconds, we rush out into the street, Luca pushing open the doors with one hand.
My body goes into shock, my palm burning and my mind racing. I move involuntarily, my brain not registering what has happened, but I don't have time to even think before Luca shoves me into the car and instantly rushes out of the parking lot as if the place were set ablaze.

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