Fifty - Nine

9 1 0

◈ Beatrice ◈

They stopped asking questions, their imaginations getting the best of them.

"What do you mean, what will happen to him?"

"I don't know."

"How do you not know?! What do you mean he'll change?"

"I don't know"

"Goddamnit! How can you not know?!"

They stopped asking questions, soon realizing that it will get them nowhere. They gave up as soon as they realized I knew just as much as they did.

They remained silent, not speaking to one another nor to me. They both focused on the road, as if both in control of the wheel. The world outside the car went by in a flash of green. The sky above is clear and free from any clouds. My heart calms for a moment, a momentary peace coming to mind as I watch the birds and butterflies fly with no restriction. They chase the wind, their wings flapping relentlessly to keep up with the rest of their friends.

One building comes into view, then another and another. Then the bridge. The waters ripple in the wind and clash against the pillars below. The sweet aroma of ocean spray seeps into the car through the cracked windows. I inhale the scent, relief washing over me, a relief I never thought I would feel again.

More buildings come into view, blocking the ocean from sight. We pass people all over, their faces etched with a type of worry, but for what? We drive down the streets, searching for any familiar faces.

"Holy mother of God," the driver heaves.

At that I move to the middle seat to peer out the windshield, and I instantly freeze in place.

"Oh my god," my hand involuntarily covers my mouth.

The driver parks the car and he immediately gets out in sync with his partner. I get out, too, inching out of my trance with extreme difficulty. My eyes take in the crowd, the police, the blood. My eyes scour over the square, and at that moment a familiar figure steps out from behind a building into the middle of the square.

"There he is," I point to him, and the two men turn to see where I'm pointing. My body begins to tremble as the sun beats down on my back covered by a white coat.

My fingers twitch and heart pumps at quickening paces. I want to run to him, to kill him, but this desire is ungodly. I want to give him pain, to give him a taste of what it feels like to be bled dry. I envelop myself back in a trance as I stare at his moving figure. He taunts the people, making a scene and no doubt a name for himself.

I watch him as he acts as if he's going to touch them and they all shrink away, screaming and crying. I watch from atop the hill, my mind running a million miles a moment till my eyes land on a single body.

"Luca?" I stand petrified as I watch him reach for something, his body beaten badly.

A single tear drops to the ground as a rage inundated me, my voice screaming for me to run. And I do.

I take off towards the crowd, pushing through them, not caring who I touch. I hear a few bodies fall behind me, more shrieks coming as a gauntlet is opened for me. I sense the fear radiating off every man, woman, and child. I sense their pain, their agony, their confusion.

The screams immediately grab the attention of Vincenzo, for as soon as I emerge from the crowd his eyes are already locked onto mine. A wicked grin takes over him as he strides to me.

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