Twenty - Five

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Two hours passed by in two minutes, our laughs and smiles absorbing the time like a sponge. My cheeks hurt from all the laughing, something that hasn't happened before.

Far off in the distance, tall towers come into view, shortly after a dome, then a thousand red brick roofs. I sit forward in my seat, peering out the windshield as far as I can to take in the approaching city.

Mountains stand in the background, their heights differing as they reach the sky. The sun shines brightly over the city, birds soaring high to land atop the roofs that span for as far as the eye can see. In the middle of the city, a grand palace stands, it's dome higher than any other building in the city. Several other domes surround it, adding to the grandness of the palace.

"What is that?" I ask, pointing to the building.

"That there is the Florence Cathedral, completed in the Renaissance period," Luca divulges, sounding like a tour guide.

"It's absolutely stunning," I say in absolute awe.

He chuckles to himself as my eyes take in every single detail for the first time. The buildings glow a bright yellow under the blistering heat, the window outlines painted a gorgeous cobalt blue. Palm trees with drooping leaves stand as tall as the ancient structures, their lime leaves a popping contrast against the yellow sandstone.

We approach closer and closer, the hills behind the cathedral coming to view. Large mansions in the distance seem so small, each one atop the hills covered in rich vegetation.

Cabs and luxury cars become more apparent. People of all races stand on the pavement, waiting for a clearing to cross to the other side. Markets, shops, and restaurants all stretch the sides of the street. Potted plants and bushes border the street, the ground made up of perfectly laid black stones. The Viper shakes slightly as the wheels roll over them at a slow speed.

I peer out the window at the world around me, feeling like a young child all over again. My heart beats quickly in excitement and anticipation.

We roll past large groups of people all crowded in a square, musicians playing beautiful tunes on a violin that people slowly dance to. Beautiful women dress in skirts and blouses, their men in T-shirts and shorts. I watch as people walk with their small children by the hand, phones pressed to their ears as they speak rapidly.

Small cafe's sit on the corners of the oddly shaped infrastructures, iron chairs and tables sitting in the square with full occupancy. I mutter low wow's to myself, taking in every single inch of the city, my eyes wide like a child's staring into the window of a candy shop.

I feel Luca's stare on the back of my head, and I turn back to see his thoughtful gaze. His face is kind, his smile genuine and pure. He turns back to the road a moment later.

Palm trees grow tall over the walkways, providing momentary shade for those who walk below. The loud voices of those who walk around us echo up the length of the building. Men stop in place and lower their shades to watch us pass by, their mouths shaped as an 'O' to push out a low whistle.

The rest of the city is uniform, a church every few blocks and small boutiques and apartment buildings covering the land. The buildings become less and less as the hills begin to come into view, the road rising and falling with every bump. I readjust in my seat to look out the back window, gawking at the city of Florence, it's beauty matching that of Venice.


"We're here," Luca states, placing the car in park as soon as he pulls into a cobble driveway. He gets out of the car and rushes around the back to open my door, helping me out the same way he had to help me in.

My neck cranes every which way, a dazzling roman styled home taking up my entire view. Four pillars hold up a circular roof, below it sits a patio lit by a grand outdoor chandelier. On either side of the circular middle, carved stone stretches at unequal lengths, leading to even more rooms of the mansion.

The front is littered with plants and trimmed juniper green bushes, moss growing in between the cobbles of the driveway. Red rose bushes line the exterior of the mansion, their flowers larger than my head. Tulips of every color grow inside circular beds that are guarded by squared ferns that grow together as one. A fountain sprouts up from the left while a roman styled statue stands on the right, the carved marble glowing a shirring chiffon white.

At that moment, the front double doors open, and a man dressed in a superior suit comes to open the trunk. I peer over at Luca for a second, his fingers rapidly typing a message on his phone, but he puts it away soon after.

"Grazie, Alvaro," Luca thanks as the man passes him with both suitcases in hand.

"Of course, Signore."

"Are you ready?" Luca turns to me, holding out his hand for me to take, and I instantly do without hesitation.

He leads me up the single step to the front door, my steps still wobbly and unbalanced. Alvaro holds the door open for us, and when I step inside it's as if I've stepped into a different dimension.

The power of the riches never cease to amaze me, my eyes wider than a valley. The entire interior is painted a midnight black, the floors made of beige stone. A single staircase winds around the foyer, a gigantic diamond chandelier lit with dazzling lights hanging from the two story high ceiling. To the right, two separate living rooms break off from an open hallway with tall blackstone pillars. Crystal balls cap off the stair railing, the stairs completely free standing and only attached to the wall.

"Porca puttana!"

Alvaro cackles in place, running a hand under his nose in an attempt to stop himself, but it doesn't work. Luca stares at the place with a satisfied grin, then turns his gaze to me with radiant contentment.

"I'll show you to your room," Luca says, reaching down for my hand and caressing it gently before striding the two meters to the stairs. The satisfying clicking of my heels fill the room, as do Luca's heavy footsteps.

The rest of the space is just as magnificent as the foyer, the floors still a smooth beige stone. Light fixtures made of crystal hang from the pillars that support the expansive and open ceiling. We turn down a hallway, several doors on either side. Luca stops in front of midnight grand double doors and pushes them open effortlessly. I step inside and am met with matte walls and gorgeous hanging lights. A striped wooden panel wall stretches behind the backboard of the king size bed, the comforter and solid black with complimentary dark grey and raven black pillows.

A circular ottoman sits at the foot of the bed, a furry spread draped over the edges. A large rug covers a portion of the floor, the space slightly smaller than the room in Levada. Opposite of the bed was a large TV stand with a connecting wardrobe, remotes neatly lined on the entertainment center.

"You never stop amazing me," I turn to say to Luca, but his head is buried in his phone. My brows furrow in worry for his features display nothing but distress. "Is everything alright?" I ask.

Luca instantly puts the phone back into his dress pants.

"Yeah," he says with a defeated sigh, "Just Enzo, that's all."

I bob my head, not wanting to press the issue and cause him more stress than he already has.

"Go ahead and get comfortable, I have business to do, but I will see you for dinner later, okay?"

"Okay," I weakly express, a tired smile on my face.

"Okay," he returns the smile, then leaves, closing the double doors behind him and leaving me in the room alone.

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