Fifty - Three

7 1 0

◈ Beatrice ◈

The darkness is cold, secluded, isolated. It feels as if I'm floating in an empty abyss in the deep sea, my lungs drowning and limbs stretched out to find something to grab onto. I feel the air bubbles escape my throat as I open my mouth to scream, my mind only spinning faster and faster.

Hands pull me deeper, the light up above shrinking as the darkness engulfs everything around me. I try everything in my power to move, to try to escape from the invisible grasp of the void, kicking and thrashing to be set free from the ropes tethering my body down. My body is weak, not much energy left in it. Dark holes fill my vision, every time I blink one more appears in sight.

I would give anything to be back up there, to be back in purgatory, not here. The hole grows deeper and deeper, my lungs suffering to hold anything but the drowning feeling of water gushing down my throat. I see nothing, hear nothing, the twilight dusk consuming my being.

I struggle to break free, my eyes threatening to close shut with glue. I feel paralysed in place, stuck in a foreboding coma that relentlessly holds me prisoner in its wake.

"Let me go!" I scream to someone, no one. But the words don't come out. It's all in my head.

I have no control over my body, the light above growing dimmer and dimmer till it remains as a tiny speck, a tiny star in a universe ever changing and growing.

"Please!" I plead, but no one listens, no one around to hear my cries for help.

I reach a hand out for someone to grab, to pull me out of this quicksand, but my palm remains vacant.

"Push, Beatrice, you have to pull yourself out."

A voice that isn't mine fills my head, the tone too loud to handle. It pounds on the sides of my brain like a hammer, shaking my entire body rigid to the core.

"You are not done yet, Beatrice, push back!" It screams at me, it's voice urgent and demanding.

"I can't," I retort, my breaths coming in heaves too small to be any good. The air around me seemingly is sucked away, every last molecule used up as something else takes its place, killing my mind and soul.

"Beatrice! Wake up!"

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