Fifty - Eight

7 1 0

◈ Luca ◈

He pivots on his heel, his expression cold. His emotions were completely drained. He's gone. He's completely gone. He faces me, his eyes connecting with mine, his empty irises staring daggers into my chest.

Slowly, he steps closer to me, and with every step a piece of metal falls from his body. It clunks to the ground in unison to the next. I stare at him in horror, dread, my mind no longer able to comprehend the sight in front of me.

"H-How, it's not possible," my voice shakes in terror.

"I guess your filthy whore was quite useful in the end, what a shame she isn't here to witness this."

"What the hell have you done?!" I scream, my fear rising in a way it never has.

My skin runs cold, my blood, too. My entire body trembles and screams for release from their hands. My mind runs in circles, over and over again. My mind runs rampant with nothing but the thought of death, of horror.

"Are you afraid?"

My heart beats rapidly in my chest. Each beat brings around a pain unfathomable to my ribs. I feel them move in a way they never should move, suggesting a fracture or break.

Vincenzo stops inches away from me, the aroma of his own blood radiating from him like radioactivity. He reaches for the gun in his pocket, lifting it to my chest again. He glares at me with a hatred so strong it can kill.

"When I pull the trigger, you will be dead...gone forever. Too bad you didn't follow could've been immortal."

"You're a demon."

"Yes, possibly, but I am the equal to your slut now. A single touch could kill," his words ring in my ear as he reaches a hand up to Ajello, pressing a single finger to his hand.

In an instant, Ajello drops to the ground as if in a seizure, foaming at the mouth and shaking violently to a point all veins in his neck pop out like whale fins from water. The other guard lets me go, shoving me towards Enzo as he takes off running in another direction, screaming, "He's the devil!" all the way down the street.

"So this is what it's like to play God? To have the power to kill anyone you wish with just a single touch of their skin? I don't understand why Beatrice would've wanted to hide this power-"

"Because she's not a monster like you. She had compassion, empathy, not like you who feels nothing but the selfish desire to get whatever the fuck you please!"

Vincenzo lifts his hand to slap me across the cheek, his eyes expecting to witness the same reaction Ajello had, but he doesn't see it. Instead, he steps away from me slightly, admiring me up and down in confusion but also pride.

"So this is why she loved you, because she could touch you. Because she could fuck you, and not kill you."

His vile words send a shockwave down my spine as I charge for him, ignoring the needles stabbing me with every moment. I take him to the ground with a grunt, commandeering his gun from his hand and pointing the barrel directly to his head.

"Didn't you learn already? That won't do much," he says cockily with a haunting grin.

He pushes me off of him as he swiftly gets to his feet, turning to the now shuddering men and women who stand beyond us. He walks to them again for the fourth time, stopping inches from their faces. He starts from one end, staring into their eyes with a deep anger.

"Thank you," he begins to say, "For giving me this power," with that, he places a hand on the first nurse's neck, and she falls to the ground, convulsing and foaming at the mouth uncontrollably. He moves on to the next, then the next, before they can run away for their lives.

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