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My hair still felt damp, natural loose curls forming to frame my face as I stared down to the ground. My hands are stuck in my jacket pockets, the jacket pulled around the faded yellow serving dress with an apron tied around the front.

People walk around me as they always do, poor market men trying to sell their products as people come out of more established business fronts selling the same product for a lower price.

"It's higher quality!" They always pleaded as more and more people walked past them.

Few cars ever came down the narrow street, and when they did it was usually a cab or a chauffeur. In the meantime, little children always occupied the space, playing jump rope or kicking a ball to one another for easy entertainment under the harsh sun. Sometimes I watched them and wondered what it would be like to have a child, what it would be like to look after one of them, but then I'm reminded of the fact that I can't.

I walked past numerous shops, the same ones I always did in order to make it to the bakery that stood at the corner of the street. The air grew warmer with each passing second, sweat beads gathering above my brows like a crown.

I cross the street, not bothering to look up as I walk into the middle of the road, and at that moment I hear someone scream.

"Car! There's a car! Get out of the way!" I instantly look up and my eyes widen in utter horror. In front of me, my eyes connect with a black BMW heading down the street just feet away from me.

The driver lies on the horn, but I'm paralyzed in place, my ears ringing an incessant chime. Suddenly, I move, regaining the ability to after breaking from my trance. The car inches from me, and without further thought I reach my hand out and place it atop the hood quickly as I run back to the side of the street.

Instantly, the driver loses all control, sending the car into a telephone pole that falls to the ground with few sparks igniting. I breathe heavily as I watch the scene around me, loud gasps heard all around. Women reach their hands to their mouths as men shield their eyes from the sun to get a better look. Everyone around seemingly stops and stares at the car, few rushing to it to save the driver and whoever else is inside.

Without a second thought, I rush from the street, disappearing into the crowd with my hood over my head, everyone else too busy to realize that I left.

Within a second, loud sirens come screeching down the street, stopping just before the crash as police get out to hold the crowd back. I watch for a moment, before opening the cafe door and slipping inside. My heart is still racing and my cheeks are barren of all colors.

"Good heavens, Bella, are you feeling alright?"

I take off my hood and look up to meet the concerned eyes of my employer, Dahna, whose hands are full with used dishes.

I don't answer for a moment, realizing that I don't have the voice to, but after a moment, I find it again.

"Yes, I'm fine."

She stares at me skeptically, "Alright, well then come over here and help me with these dishes."

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