Thirty - Four

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Tears began to scream down my face. My entire body convulsing as if I was having a seizure. My hands shake uncontrollably.

Luca clutches the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turn white, his jaw clenched and fury radiating through his clothes. He does not speak a word, only pressing the gas pedal down as far as it'll go.

The tears keep coming, my hand still burning and heart running off of the adrenaline that pulses through my veins. Bile rises in my stomach, nausea gripping me with an iron fist.

"Stop the car," I say meekly.

"What?!" Luca shouts, his frustration and fear bursting into flames.

"Stop the car!" At that, he slams on the brakes and pulls to the side of the road, nothing around except farmland and trees.

I open the door in a rush, stumbling out into the field and letting my insides out. I hear Luca step out as well, slamming the door shut behind him.

I struggle to bite back my sobs any longer, finally giving up as the tears just come harder, and heavier out of my tear ducts.

"What the hell was that, Beatrice?! What the fuck did you do?!" He screams, and I peer up at him through blurry eyes.

He thrusts a hand through his hair, ripping off his mask and throwing it onto the ground in an angered fit. He covers his face with his palms, reliving the whole thing.

"It's my fault," I uncontrollably sob.

"Beatrice, what did you do?!" He questions again.

"I kill for no reason," I mutter quietly to myself.

"What did you say?!" He shouts at me, coming nowhere near me. His tone makes me flinch.

"I said I kill for no fucking reason!" I shout back at him.

"That makes no sense! What the hell are you even saying?!"

"I kill for no reason, Luca! I can't control this...this...whatever is inside me! I did it Luca, I did everything! Everything you heard in the news about that man dying in the market, it was me! I came back to turn myself in to you, Luca, I did this to your father...I did this..."

Luca paces as he listens to my broken sobs.

"You did this? You're saying you're the one who put my dad in the hospital?!" He comes at me harshly, pointing an accusing finger in my face.


"For god sake, speak up!"


The tears come quicker and quicker, my brain finally registering what I did.

"Why didn't you tell me? You came back to turn yourself in but you didn't say anything!"

"I was scared, Luca! It was a mistake for me to come back!"

Luca only scoffs, leaning against the car with his arms crossed around his chest, disbelief and confusion visibly etched onto his face.

"What the fuck are you?" He says, his voice calmer but heavy with betrayal.

I stare to the ground, standing there pathetically, "I don't know."

Luca only shakes his head, still completely lost. He places both hands on his temples and rubs them rapidly.

"Why can I touch you, huh? Why can I touch you and not..."

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