Thirty - Seven

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He strides into the room farther, kicking off the door and striding to a door on the opposite side of the room. He pulls back the curtains to pull open the double doors, the balcony conveniently looking out into the street.

The music still plays down below, the tune loud enough to be heard for miles. I slowly walk to Luca, standing behind his heaving body. I can hear his heartbeat from where I stand as he stares wildly down at the street below. The militiamen are gone, and at this he visibly loosens his tense muscles.

Luca turns around to face me, keeping the doors open and music flowing. He replaces his hands on either side of my hips, placing his forehead to mine. He begins to sway back and forth slowly, his breath fanning across my face warmly. He pulls away to twirl me, returning to the dance routine effortlessly. I see the smile come back to his gorgeous face, a smile of my own appearing.

Hand in hand, we dance around the space, moving around the bed and couch that stick out from the beige walls. He pulls me impeccably closer to him, our bodies returning to the place just in front of the doors leading to the balcony.

Luca's eyes meet mine from above my lashes, devotion and lust flickering across his irises quickly. He slides his hand up my waist to my back where the zipper rests. My breath hitches and my chest explodes as he grabs hold of the small piece of medal.

He places a hand under my chin, forcing me to stare up at him. His irises glide over my face, my own eyes admiring him with anticipation and excitement.

He lets out a warm breath, his lips parted as he stares down at my mouth, then back up, "May I?" He whispers, his voice flooding with desire and libido.

The room grows increasingly hot when I answer, "Yes."

He captures my lips in his, taking hold of the back of my head and forcing it against his, the kiss growing rough as we move rhythmically in place. Our breaths come in heavy exhales, quiet moans escaping my throat.

He takes hold of my bottom lip, biting down on it gently as he pulls it away from my face. He pulls out of the kiss for a moment to stare down at me, his irises noticeably darker and full of desire for the flesh.

"You are so fucking beautiful," he growls under his breath, leaning down to place a passionate kiss on my neck.

His lips trail down to my collarbone where he bites down on my skin gently with his teeth, then trails back up to my ear. He takes hold of my earlobe between his teeth, kissing it gently as he exhales a pleasurable breath. "I want to see you, Beatrice, all of you," he whispers sweetly in my ear, and the hair on the back of my neck instantly stands straight.

I tremble under his touch, my body tingling everywhere.

"Will you let me?" he questions, moving to my other ear to whisper this, his tone darkening as he kisses just below my ear.

My breath hitches again as his fingertips squeeze my hips, his touch hitting all the right places. I inhale heavily, my skin burning with an inferno of lust.

"Yes," I managed to say, my voice strained.

At that instant, I feel his hand return to the zipper as he slowly, deliberately, pulls it down my back. I feel the dress come loose, sliding down my body to the floor as Luca keeps his eyes on mine. As he feels it hit the floor, he lifts me off the ground, wrapping my legs around him as he throws me against the wall. My bare back freezes upon impact, but it instantly warms when his lips return to mine.

He presses himself against me, the tension only growing with every passing second. His kisses lead down to my chin, then my jaw, then my neck, each kiss leaving behind burning skin. My hands find their way to his hair, tugging and pulling at it with large handfuls intertwined in my fingers.

At that moment, he wraps his arms around my back, lifting me away from the wall and throwing me onto the bed. His eyes travel over every inch of my bare skin, his eyes resting on my panties then moving up to my eyes as he takes off his suit jacket. His fingers undo his shirt, button by button coming undone as he throws it on the floor. Without a second more, he's on top of me, his mouth everywhere but mine. His tongue juts from his mouth as he travels down my sternum. His hand intertwines with mine, holding me down.

His bare chest moves against mine, my skin burning, flames dancing across my entire body. His other hand glides down my side, stopping at the hem of my panties, fumbling with the material. He sneaks his hand under teasingly, his kisses growing more and more lustful and controlling.

My chest rises and falls with speed, the amount of pleasure washing over my body sinful. Luca lifts away from me and comes back up to my face, staring at me deeply. He stays there for a moment, his sweet breath waving over my cheeks.

"Beatrice," he says, every single letter setting my nerves into overdrive. He opens his mouth again to speak, "Beatrice, I love you."

At that, my entire body explodes as he places his mouth down on mine again, his hand coming to squeeze my bare breast.

We continued hastily, our lust and desire unable to be caged. We committed sin, but I don't care, for this is the pleasure I have always dreamt of. Never in a million years would I have guessed how damn good this felt, nor would I have guessed I would receive it from him.

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