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The booths stayed empty and few chairs were taken at the bar. Every hour or so a couple or family would drop by and order a sandwich to share, but they never stayed for long and rarely tipped.

Dahna occupied herself with reorganizing the kitchen leaving me to serve those who came in. The cafe was small, yet it had an aura around it that always left you calm and tranquil. The booths were made up of stuffed crimson leather with minimal tears and patches. The tables were circular polished wood that never went unclean. The floors were tiled and they always gleamed and shined underneath the sunlight that infiltrated the wide framed windows. The counter reached from one end of the shop to the other, the store front window beside the door a display for a wide variety of petite cake pops and pastries. Children always begged to taste them as they passed by.

"Will that be all for you two today?" I ask in a forced sweet tone, walking up to a booth in which an elderly couple sat.

"Yes, my dear, thank you so much. Here is your tip," the kind lady conveyed as she held a 10 euro bill up to me. I froze for a moment, careful of where to grab.

"Thank you, Signorina, you are too kind," and with that I smiled and turned back to the kitchen, the couple standing to leave.

At that moment, the door opens. I rush over to begin to help when I stop dead in my tracks, hiding behind the kitchen appliances as I watch two men dressed in all black suits wander into the cafe, seemingly searching for someone to talk to. My feet go numb from below me and my heart begins to pound in my chest.

"What's wrong my dear?" Dahna questions as she walks up behind me, noticing my frozen body hiding behind the threshold. I nod my head in the direction of the men, and Dahna instantly walks out to them.

"May I help you gentlemen?" She states, leaning her rather round body over the counter to grab their attention.

"Yes, you can," one answers.

"We are looking for someone by the name of Beatrice. There was an accident this morning involving our employer and we suspect that she has something to do with this incident," the other states, both appear to be twins, yet their voices differ in tone and pitch.

Dahna stares blankly at them, "I am not following, sir," she states honestly.

"In short, and for your understanding, Beatrice left our..." he pauses for a moment as if to think of the best way to say what he wants to say, "Company, some odd four years ago and has not been found since, she was declared a missing person, and it is known that her and my employer never got along. So, we are suspecting, if possible, that she may have something to do with this, being that a female ran in the street and caused the crash. Do you know of this woman?"

Dahna pauses for a moment, taking in the man's words carefully, "No, sir, I can't say I do."

"She is a brunette with blue eyes and a slim figure-"

"I'm sorry, I said that I do not know of the person you are looking for, I only have one employee by the name of Bella, and she is far too kind to ever seek vengeance on anyone. My condolences go out to your employer. I'm sorry, I hope you find her elsewhere, but she is not here. Have a lovely day, gentlemen," Dahna states, cutting the man clean off and leaving no more room for discussion.

The two men nod their heads in understanding, "Thank you for your time," one states as they both head to the door, stepping out into the street and leaving the same way they came.

Dahna walks back to where I stand, a look of concern on her face, "Well, that was quite odd, wasn't it?"

I only nod in response, my limbs noticeably shaking, but Dahna doesn't comment on it. I try to stop it, but it is impossible to do so.

"Are you sure that you are alright, dear, you seem unwell. Why don't you go home and rest."

"But, I need the m-"

"Don't worry, love," Dahna states, placing a hand on my shoulder, and my eyes widen in sudden fear for what's about to happen...but nothing does. "I will still pay you for the remainder of your shift, and besides, today is slow and you really need the sleep," she goes out and reaches into the glass display shelf, "Here, take a pastry with you, you are far too pale and need some meat on your bones." She smiles at me kindly as I stare at her in confusion. I take the pastry from her and she places it in my hand.

"Thank you," I mutter, still in shock.

"Of course, now, you go ahead and go, I will see you here tomorrow with you hopefully more rested," she turns away, resuming her work in the kitchen as I stare down at the pastry in my hand.

She touched me...and yet nothing happened...she touched me, and is still alive.

I walk out of the kitchen slowly, consumed in this repeating thought, as I absent-mindedly reach for my jacket, placing it around my body and leaving out the door without another word.

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