Forty - Five

9 1 0

The light penetrates through my closed eyelids, my sensitive retinas shrinking. I hear faint voices, all talking in mismatched tempos and tones, sounding like an uneven, jumbled chorus. The sound falls in and out, my mind aware but not entirely.

I try to move my arms, legs, fingers, but nothing budges. I try to open my eyes, but I can't. My mind is stuck in a dark abyss, a chasm stretching far beyond anything that has ever been reached.

"Blood pressure...reactions," A voice pierces through.

"Muscles are stunted...too much to be...body is lethally drained."

The words come through in garbled heaves, each letter sounding vaguely familiar as they come together to form words that I cannot even begin to comprehend. My heart pounds as an annoying and ceaseless beeping continues to rise.

"She's waking up," her voice comes through as clear as a diamond, her voice sharp and abrasive.

I hear footsteps come closer to me, their feet clapping against the ground all at uneven paces.

What is going on?

"Shall we give her more anesthesia?"

"No," a male responds, seemingly striding closer, his voice booming in my ears, "I want her to wake up and-" his voice falls out of view, my brain failing to understand what he is saying, "Pain," is the last word I hear.

My body falls rigid, sudden recognition
registering in my mind. I want to open my eyes, to see his face, to see where I am, but it is impossible.

"But, sir, that is highly unnecessary, I-"

"I don't give a damn what you think! You were given a job to do, now do it! You know the consequence if you don't." The floor shakes in the shadows of his words, sending fear to surge through my body like blood.

"Yes, Mr. Bianchi, ottimamente," her voice sounds sorrowful...scared.

Open your your eyes!

The incessant voice that isn't mine continues to scream inside my head. It yells for me to move, to wake up from this dream, or whatever this is.

"Beatrice...I know you can hear me," he asserts, then I feel him lean forward, his sweet breath fanning across my cheek. He leans close to my ear, "Wake up!" He slaps the side of my face, my neck flying to the side.

My throat lets out a heave of air, sounding like a yelp of sudden torment and terror.

"Open your eyes!" He shouts, and at that moment they do.

I'm instantly drowned in light, my entire surroundings a bleak mess of white. I wince immediately, wanting to lift a hand to my eyes, but quickly realize I'm restrained.

"I knew you could hear me," he says with vile laced in his tone, and I turn my head to see Vincenzo sitting atop a wheeled stool. A wide, ferocious grimace is on his face, portraying a rage I've never seen before.

A momentary horror takes over me before being pushed out by sudden nausea. My eyes flutter closed, my muscles using so much energy to keep me awake.

I avert my gaze away from him and his horrific grin, the subtle movement causes pain to strike my body like a lightning bolt. My face twists into a grimace, the pain almost too much to bear. I scrutinize everything around me, counters full of equipment surrounding the elevated platform where I lay, cold. Carts with wheels attached to the bottom sit perfectly still right next to me, assortments of devices I've never seen before sitting atop a blue towel. I peer down to my right arm, a tube running from my vein to a bag hanging above my head, a clear liquid inside.

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