You - Seongjoong

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Why is it that teachers assign tests at the same time? I just got done with my third test today and I was absolutely starving. As I made my way to the cafeteria to find my friends I see something so horrifying I almost lost my appetite. Park Seonghwa. I was not in the mood to deal with his antics today so as a result I half sprinted to the cafeteria. With safety in sight I slowed to a meager walk. As I round the corner I hear my friends call out my name.


Immediately I have the biggest toothiest smile on my face, and how could I not? I loved my friends more than anything in this world. They saved me from myself so long ago but that's a story for another day.

"What's cookin good lookins" - hj

I was greeted with very judgemental eyes from the one and only yeo fricking sang. Apparently I 'embarrass' him.

"I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that" - ys

"Anywaaaays there's a party tonight at San's and we should go" - ys

A party at San's? I think you know what that means. Park Seonghwa. Now being the reasonable person I am of course I said

"Absolutely... NOT" - hj

That would entail I have to interact with the one person who gets on my nerves. I did not feel like getting harrased, and at a party no less.

"Oh come on joongie it might be funnnn" - wy

"Isn't there a party at someone else's house?" - hj

"No there isn't this is the only one" - y

"You guys go. I'm not feeling it tonight" - hj

"At least think about it. Don't knock it before you try it" - ys

I couldn't in my right mind voluntarily put myself in a situation where I might be targeted yet again by Park Seonghwa. My friends know about Seonghwa and how could they not? He makes it very clear he only messes with me. But That still doesn't stop my friends from trying to get me to enjoy myself when he's around. Unfortunately I never get a break with this guy. If he sees me it's over.


The bell rings signaling the end of lunch block and we all part ways. The others more enthusiastic than I. You see math is my worst subject and the cherry on top is that I had it with Seonghwa. I walked in only to be greeted with a very annoying smirk from the one and only Park boy. I kept my head low and walked past him as quickly as I could. Once I was safely in my seat I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I did my best to ignore him and focus on the teacher but he kept looking at me like he knew my darkest secrets. An hour and a half later the final bell rang saving me from his taunting stares. I was packing my bag when all of the sudden I feel someone's breath brush past my ear sending chills down my spine.

"I heard your friends are going to San's party tonight." - sh

"And? Why do you care?" - hj

"Because you won't be there" - sh

Great, now I get to deal with this. I turned towards him putting my bag down and responded with the most monotonous voice I could muster.

"I didn't feel like it" - hj

"And whys that? Are you allergic to fun or is it because I'll be there?" - sh

I was not about to let him know he was the reason I didn't want to go so I did the only reasonable thing I could think of. LIE.

"Don't flatter yourself and if you must know I had other plans tonight" - hj

I didn't. I looked down at my phone pretending to get a text before I went against everything in my body to prove him wrong.

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