A Shadow of His Glory - Nichojoo

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You and I are different in one way.

I would destroy my world for him.

You would destroy his world for you.

I'm a villain.

Not a monster.


Constantly a shadow forced to cower from society. With the mask off I am no one. With the mask on I am a killer. My heart beats for no one but the emptiness I feel inside. The sound echoes from the hollow within. It's been years since I've had anything worth smiling for. Anything that makes living feel real. The people around me are the same. They always have been. Heartless. Self Centered. Fake.


My chest heaved and my breath was deep as I stood over his lifeless body. Blood trickled slowly from the gash in his head.




The pipe in my hand was jagged as it had broken on impact. The shards scattered at my feet. The white of its body stained crimson with his blood. I felt nothing.
I dropped the pipe next to his lifeless body and walked away.

Why did I kill him?

Simple. He was abusing his power. Yet another person who cheated, lied, and betrayed people to get to the top. Now he's alone in a dark alley. No one will come looking for him. No one cares.

I slipped out of the mask covering my face and let it drop as I turned the corner.

No one batted an eye as I walked by. No one heard his scream.

I didn't smile. killing was not something to be happy about. My lips were clenched in a straight line. My gaze shifted towards the ground. My hair was dark and long. It fell over my eyes concealing them from the wandering eyes of people I passed.

Eventually the brush of my hair on my nose began to tickle so I tied my hair back. As I did so I walked past a boy that looked to be my age. He smiled up at me as I stared lifelessly into his sparkling blue eyes. His smile dropped and I turned the corner leaving him to stare after me.


I stared up at the ceiling of my empty room as the ring from the alarm echoed off the walls. It's wails reminding me that I have to go to school. With a sigh, I rolled over and turned the alarm off. The silence was so loud I could hear each breath leaving my lips as if the wind was whispering to me alone.

I chose a pair of baggy gray sweatpants paired with a long sleeve white shirt and chunky white sneakers. I tied half my hair back in a loose ponytail letting some pieces fall in front of my face. Satisfied with my outfit, I grabbed my bag and left for the day.

I kept to myself as per usual, sitting in the back of class and hardly paying attention. For the longest time my routine did not change. Until today.

The boy who had smiled up at me the day before walked into my last class of the day and looked at me again. He smiled as if I cared who he was. I turned my attention to the window as the teacher was introducing him to us all. His name was Euijoo.

I continued to mindlessly stare out the window until my view was obstructed by flowing black cloth. It was Euijoo's shirt, and he now stood directly in front of my gaze.

"Hi, I'm Euijoo"

I ignored him and refocused my gaze to the opposite side of the classroom.

"You don't talk much do you?"

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