In My Mind (JohnTen)

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I stared into the darkness not fully knowing what to expect. I could feel his presence and it was intimidating. I didn't feel safe here, but there was nowhere else for me to go. I was cornered with no way out.


My day started the same as always. I got dressed, ate my breakfast, and left for school. My life was predictable. At least for now. I always knew what to expect. Who I would see, what I would do, and what would happen next. I thrived in the consistency I had created. I knew who my friends were and I knew who my enemies were.

My name is Ten and this is my story.


For as long as I could remember it had always been me and my best friend Kun. He and I were family and family looked out for each other. We protected each other from the bad. A least we did until the bad became inevitable. We didn't see it coming at first. We were mesmerized by his spell. His name was Taemin. Taemin so easily drew us in. He made us fall for the fantasy he created. We had no idea we were his next victims.

However, while we were blind to the alarms his actions would set off, Johnny wasn't. Johnny had always been a menace to my existence. He knew my every move and hit me where he knew it would hurt the most. He was good at manipulating me with psychological warfare but not as good as Taemin. I could always hear the alarms Johnny set off.

I suppose it only made sense. Those who use the mind as their weapon would be good at noticing others who do the same. And for once, I was glad Johnny paid attention to my every move. I was glad he made life excruciatingly unbearable for without it I wouldn't be here to tell my story.


We had grown close to Taemin. We trusted him. We loved him.

Johnny hated him. He was jealous I started to ignore him. He was mad his tricks stopped working on me.

I stopped seeing him. He disappeared from my mind. My focus was on Taemin.


Taemin wanted to take me somewhere special. I agreed. He led me to his car and we started driving far away. It was dark before we finally arrived. I couldn't see where we were going. He held my hand and led me into the darkness. We walked for a long time before he stopped. He never said a word

The lights flashed on for a split second, and what I saw petrified me, before shutting off rendering me blind once again. I saw Taemin standing before me. His eyes were gone and instead, black orbs occupied the space. His smile got bigger and his teeth were sharper. Blood was running from his soulless eyes and I ran. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care as long as it was away from him.

I stared into the darkness not fully knowing what to expect. I could feel his presence and it was intimidating. I didn't feel safe here, but there was nowhere else for me to go. I was cornered with no way out. I began to tremble and the faint breeze made the hair on my arms stand up. My legs felt as if they couldn't support me any longer. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I heard him call out to me. It started as a whisper, barely distinguishable, but it slowly grew and tore through the darkness. He was so close. I began to feel as if my breath wasn't mine and it belonged to him. I was using borrowed time he controlled. Then it stopped. I couldn't hear him anymore. The silence was deafening. I knew I had reached the end. My time on this earth was about to end. There was a bone-chilling scream, and then it was over.

The lights turned on and I was face to face with Johnny. Taemin's body was on the floor behind him with a stake through his heart.

Johnny brushed his bloody hands across my face and lips. His action left my face stained with Taemin's blood but I just smiled. I laughed at the lifeless body on the ground and stroked the blood that was smeared across my face.


The cops didn't find Taemin's body until weeks later. Johnny and I never told a soul about what happened. Instead, we left town. However, it didn't take long for the cops to connect the case to us. When they came they took me away in handcuffs and left Johnny to stare at my disappearing figure. I tried to break free but failed. The cops tried to tell me what happened but I laughed. Their story was wrong. They said I did it.

They said Taemin and I were exploring an abandoned building and I killed him, but they were wrong. Johnny killed him. They didn't believe me. They said Johnny wasn't real, that I made him up. He was too real. He came to the police station and was standing behind me as they told me their foolish story. He and I kept laughing.

They were wrong and now I pay for their stupidity. I've been locked away for years. Everyone tells me Johnny isn't really there, but he's always been right next to me. And so he and I stayed locked away. I think we make people afraid. That must be why we stay in the white box with no windows.

It doesn't really matter anymore. I have Johnny. It's just us and that's all I need. We know the truth and it's only a matter of time until the rest do too.

They all say I'd gone mad... but aren't we all a little mad sometimes?

~In case you didn't figure it out, Ten is telling his story from the psych ward. He had gone insane and began to imagine things. He killed Taemin and blamed Johnny, who he created in his mind. Let me know if you like creepy stories like this and I can try writing longer ones. For now, enjoy this little sample of a horror theme.~

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