The Day You Fell - Xiaodery

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Do you ever watch your enemy almost die and then it hits you... you actually love him. Like all this time you've been fighting but you actually just wanted to be close to each other? Because same. I thought I hated him. We were on a school camping trip and he fell. But then one day he came back. I felt the breath leave my body as soon as I saw him walk through the door. I decided that day that I wasn't going to fight him anymore. I missed him too much.

"Good Morning!" - Hendery

"Shut up" - Xiaojun


Have you ever hated someone because they were too friendly? Because I hated Hendery. He was always smiling at everyone and greeted everyone he saw.


Have you ever hated someone because they never gave you a chance? I've been nothing but nice to Xiaojun for as long as I can remember and he just decided to hate me.

One was too kind and the other was too judgmental. What could possibly go wrong?


"Good morning class! As you all know the volunteer camping trip is next week. Today you will get the list of what to take as well as your room assignments. There will be seven people per room and it will consist of kids from your homeroom. Each of you has a folder with everything you need to know. I'll pass them out now." - Mr. Kim


The annual camping trip. Each year the senior class gets to go on a volunteer trip. This year we're volunteering at a summer camp. We get to help with activities and hang out with all the little kids. I was actually excited about this trip. In years past, the trips mostly consisted of cleaning or labor work.


I was excited about the camping trip until I heard we had to work with kids. As much as I liked kids, they never seemed to like me. I only hoped I wouldn't traumatize any of them.

"Hendery did you see the room assignments?" - Lucas

"Not yet" - Hendery

"You might want to look" - Lucas

Room 7 - Kun, Ten, Winwin, Lucas, Xiaojun, Hendery, Yangyang

"Well that's... unlucky" - Hendery


The day had come. The buses pulled into the camp parking lot, and out flowed a lot of students. They were greeted by camp staff and shown to their rooms to unpack.

"I call dibs on the top bunk!" - Yangyang

"Me too!" - Lucas

"Dejun you're my bunk partner whether you like it or not!" - Yangyang

"Yes sir!" - Xiaojun

"I call dibs on the single bed" - Winwin

"I'm not sleeping under Lucas so I call dibs on Kun" - Ten

"Your loss... Hendery you're my bottom bitch!" - Lucas

"..." - Hendery

"Okay... we should probably go to sleep, we have to be up early." - Kun

"Okay mother" - Yangyang

All the boys unpacked their stuff and got ready for bed. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood except for Hendery and Xiaojun. To their displeasure, the sleeping arrangements had them facing each other.

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