Impact - Luwoo

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Everyone always saw Lucas as the dumb jock. Nothing more than a pretty face and a strong body. Boy were they wrong. Yes, he had a pretty face and a strong body, but he also had a beautiful heart and had so much love to give. But when you're pretty and popular, people tend to overlook the other stuff. They only ever got as far as the surface. No one knew that Lucas loves kids and wants to be a teacher. They only know that he won the basketball game against SM High's biggest rivals last night.

No one ever saw Jungwoo as anything other than a filler body in class. He didn't do sports or make a ton of friends. He kept to himself and did his work quietly. He went unnoticed by almost everyone in the school. Everyone except his close friends and Lucas. Lucas saw how kind Jungwoo is, he saw how beautiful Jungwoo is, and he was utterly in love with the quiet unnoticed boy.


It was Monday afternoon and Jungwoo, Doyoung, and Taeil were in the cafeteria eating lunch and laughing at whatever dad joke Taeil had made. On the other side of the room, Lucas watched with a smile plastered on his face. He was so absorbed into Jungwoos honey laugh he didn't hear the lunch bell ring and instead felt Johnny jab his ribcage.

"Dude you're staring again" -Jy

"I was not" - L

"Bullshit. Let's go we have class" - Jy

"I was not!" - L


The final bell rang signaling the end of another day and Lucas and Jungwoo couldn't be happier. Both for completely different reasons I'm afraid. Jungwoo was happy because he hadn't run into Lucas all day and thought he was in the clear. Lucas was happy because he was on his way to see his crush. He turned the corner and sure enough there he was. Jungwoo was grabbing things out of his locker and packing his bag. Lucas channeled his inner flirty douchebag alter ego and walked up to him.

"Hey" - L

"Hello Lucas" - J (insert exasperated sigh and eye roll)

"Is that a new shirt cause your body looks exquisite in it" - L

Lucas grabbed Jungwoos arm pretending to inspect the sleeve. He raised his arm and dropped it letting out an obnoxious scoff.

"Thanks" - J (his voice is very monotone and sarcastic this whole convo)

Lucas grabs Jungwoos chin and pulls his head up so he was looking directly into his eyes.

"It brings out the color of your eyes" - L

"Are you done? I have somewhere to be today" - J

"What you got a hot date or something?"

"No. I have to get my brother from school and I can't be late. Why am I even telling you this I don't have to explain myself to you" - J

Lucas lets go of Jungwoos face, smiles, and walks away.


Jungwoo left his school, annoyed once again, and headed to his younger brother, Jeno's, pre-school. He entered the building and was greeted by a four old Jeno running into his legs.

"Jungwoo!" - Je

"Hi, Jeno! Do you want to go to the park today?" - J

"Yes!" - Je

"Okay! Go get your shoes on and grab your bag. I'll wait for you right here." - J

"Okay!" - Je

Together they walked to the park and once they arrived Jeno took off running to the slides. Jungwoo followed closely behind, watching Jeno's every move. However, he turned around for three seconds to go sit on the swings when he heard a bone-chilling scream.

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