liar (pt3)

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When the buses pulled into the parking lot, it was a flurry of chaos. Everyone just wanted to go home after the long ride. Some students had even resulted in shoving to get their bags first.

Rather than be swept away with the crowd, the four boys stood off to the side waiting for the parking lot to clear out.

Haechan - "Well, that was an interesting trip to say the least"

Mark - "Yeah, it definitely didn't turn out the way I had expected"

Haechan - "I definitely didn't expect us of all people to get along now"

Mark - "It must have been the ocean air"

Jeno - "Let's all thank Shindong and Siwon for making this friendship possible"

Jaemin - "Who would have thought there were people in the world worse than you two"

Jeno - "Come on, we weren't that bad"

Mark - "Yes we were"

Haechan - "Way to be self-aware"

Jeno - "Ok well not anymore"

Jaemin - "Thank god"

Mark - "Well, the crazies have cleared out, we should probably get our stuff"

Mark headed back to the bus first with Haechan not far behind him. Jeno and Jaemin lingered behind, and silence had fallen between them. With an awkward smile, they turned to follow Mark and Haechan, and got their own bags. The four bid farewell to each other and went their separate ways.

Jaemin's driver had picked him and Haechan up and Mark and Jeno began walking. Changmin had stopped at Haechan's home first, dropping him off.

Haechan - "Bye Jaemin"

Jaemin - "Bye"

With Haechan gone, Jaemin was left alone with his thoughts. He couldn't help it if thoughts of Jeno were flooding his mind. Maybe jeno was right, maybe they were better off as just friends. Even so, it didn't stop Jaemin from feeling a little disappointed. Okay... very disappointed.


Haechan never clued Mark into Jeno and Jaemins drama, but that didn't mean Mark didn't catch on. He had noticed the behavioral change towards each other, he just didn't know why.

Mark - "Hey, is everything good with you and Jaemin? You guys seemed tense"

Jeno - "What? Oh yeah, everything's fine"

Mark - "No offense, I don't believe you"

Jeno - "Get out of my head"

Mark - "What's going on?"

Jeno - "It's not like anything huge, just annoying?"

Mark - "Well what is it?"

Jeno - "I really like Jaemin, but I could sense he was hesitant about us. I told him I would stop being flirty and stuff and just see what happens with us as friends"

Mark - "I can't believe I just heard you say you really like Jaemin. The Na Jaemin. The same Jaemin we spent years tormenting and hating. That trip really was weird"

Jeno - "Shut up, and what about you and Haechan?"

Mark - "What about us?"

Jeno - "You're telling me you don't have any feelings for sunshine boy?"

Mark - "I'm not saying that, I just don't want to jinx anything"

Jeno - "What would you be jinxing?"

Mark - "I may have asked him on a date"

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