My Hero - Luwoo

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Every year the Organization of Villains throws a ball for villains of all extremities to come and celebrate their accomplishments. The event had become so popular that it had leaked to the public eye. Many have tried to crash the ball and all have failed. All except one.

Jungwoo had enough of his boring life. He wanted some adventure. He craved the adrenaline rush that came with breaking the rules and sneaking into the villain's ball was the rush he needed. However, he never expected to actually make it in, let alone fall in love with a villain.


Lucas stood off to the side observing the others around him as he did every year. He never felt like he quite fit in with the other villains. Sure he had the stereotypical Hero enemy and more than a few evil doings under his belt, and yet he never felt like a real villain. He was only given that title when he got revenge on his parents' killers. Deep down he knew it was wrong as his parents taught him to only use his powers when it was necessary. But what was he expected to do? Let their killer walk free and potentially kill others.

His mind was racing with thoughts as he recalled the events that got him to this place when all of the sudden his gaze landed on someone he had not seen before. This new boy had blonde hair that was almost white and he was wearing a dark red suit to contrast the brightness of his hair. He looked the boy up and down until he realized the newcomer had noticed him staring. He shifted his gaze away from the boy once he realized he was now walking over to him. What had he done now? Surely this new villain would make his life difficult. Villains don't exactly appreciate unsolicited stares.

"Hi" - Jungwoo

Oh? That wasn't the life-threatening response Lucas had expected from the boy.

"Hi" - Lucas

"I couldn't help but notice you were staring at me" - Jungwoo

Surely this was it? Maybe he was kind up until he exacts his revenge. Maybe this was his way of catching you off guard before he killed you.

"Sorry, I just don't think I've seen you here before?" - Lucas

"You haven't. This is my first year here" - Jungwoo

"Oh? So you're a new villain" - Lucas

"No" - Jungwoo

"An old villain who never came to the ball until now?" - Lucas

"No" - Jungwoo

How could this boy be a villain? Nothing was adding up. Unless? This boy wasn't a villain. Maybe he was a civilian? But how did he get in here?

"A civilian?" - Lucas

"Yep" - Jungwoo

"Then how did you get in here?" - Lucas

"The front door" - Jungwoo

This boy was strange. Lucas wanted to know more.

"Do you want to dance?" - Lucas

"I thought you'd never ask" - Jungwoo

Lucas took his hand and let him to the dance floor. They danced for hours, completely forgetting about the ball going on around them until Jungwoo brought up the gun he noticed Lucas was carrying.

"I thought villains had powers? Why are you carrying a gun?" - Jungwoo

"Not even villains are immune to gunshot wounds" - Lucas

He dipped Jungwoo, lifting his leg and letting his hand slide down to his ankle where he too kept his weapon concealed.

"A civilian comes to a ball for villains and his only method of defense is a small knife hidden under his pants. What did you intend on using that for?" - Jungwoo

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