Alone - Xiaodery

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To say that Hendery was upset would be an understatement. His mother had just called and she was not happy with him, but this wasn't new to Hendery. He only ever expected her disapproval. He never got angry or sad. Infact calls from his mother didn't mean much to him. What did, however, cause his unpleasant mood was the fact that his mother had hired him a tutor. Not only did she hire a tutor, but she hired Xiaojun. For as long as anyone could remember Hendery and Xiaojun did not get along. They had been fighting for so long no one could tell you why they hated each other. Hendery and Xiaojun didn't even remember why they hated each other. But alas, they were too far in to stop now. And so, just like that both boys' worlds would be flipped upside down. 

Saturday afternoon. It was Saturday afternoon and Hendery was at home waiting for his tutor to show up for the nth time. As much as he hated to admit it his tutor was actually helping him pass his classes. Not only that, but Hendery actually enjoyed it when Dejun came. He was the only consistent person in Hendery's life and the consistency helped ease the pain of being alone. It was never unpleasant when the boy came over because inside the walls of his house their feud didn't exist. And just like Hendery, Xiaojun forgot the feeling of loneliness when he went over to tutor him. Little did the boys know, today would be the last day Dejun came to tutor him, but not the last time they would see each other. 

Hendery jumped from his spot on the couch as soon as he heard the all too familiar knock of Dejun arriving. He swung the door open, a smile already plastered on his face. 

"You came!" - H

"Don't I always" - X

Dejun let out a small laugh and with a smile just as big as Hendery's he pushed his way into the house. Just like the many times before, he goes straight to his room and sets up his books and grabs Hendery's out from his desk drawer. Hendery follows shortly after with two water bottles in his hand. He hands one to Dejun and sits in the chair across from him. Dejun takes a sip oblivious to the fact that Henderys' eyes haven't left him. 

"You're beautiful."- H

Dejun chokes slightly on the water he was drinking and brings his eyes up to meet Henderys. Seeing no sign of his comment being a joke he responds. 

"Thank you" - X

Hendery just smiles and turns back to his work. A few minutes pass and Dejun hands Hendery a paper with a single question on it. Hendery takes it and immediately turns to face dejun upon reading it. 

"This is too hard. We just started covering this material" - H

"You can do it. You know the steps, just take your time."- X

What seemed like 20 years later Hendery finally hands his paper back to Dejun to be checked over. 

"See I told you you could do it. This is all right." - X

"Really!" -H

"I think it's time for me to stop tutoring you. You know all the material and there isn't anything left for me to teach you." - X

Hendery froze. This was the last thing he expected Xiaojun to say. He needed to find a way to keep him from leaving. 

"Will you stay for dinner?" - H

"You don't have to invite me to stay. I don't want to intrude." - X

"You aren't. Please stay." - H

"If you're sure i won't be putting you out of your way i'll stay." - X

"You won't be. I want you to stay." - H

"Put your shoes on." - H

Dejun did as he was told and as soon as his shoes were on Hendery grabbed his hand and pulled him from his room and out the front door. Hendery only dropped his hand to lock the door behind them and immediately laced their fingers together when he finished. Neither boy paid a second thought to holding each other's hands and instead walked in a comfortable silence. They turned a corner and a look of confusion grew on Dejun's face.

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