You (pt2)

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We were all shocked when Seonghwa walked up to Hongjoong. Not a single one of us had expected this outcome when we forced him to play.

At first we thought it was Seonghwa playing another trick on Hongjoong but the look he gave us told us otherwise. He looked as afraid as we felt for what was going to happen next.

"What is he doing?" - Yunho

"This can't be real right?" - Yeosang

"Do we do something?"- Wooyoung

"Don't do anything" - Mingi

We turned around to see Mingi smiling behind us.

"What's happening?"- Yunho

He looked at me and kept smiling; never showing any signs of hostility.

"He likes him" - Mingi

The next thing we know is that all of Seonghwa's friends were next to us and... happy?

San walked up to Wooyoung throwing his arm around his shoulder making Wooyoung jump.

"I can't believe he had the courage to do that"- San

Jongho had quite literally appeared out of thin air next to Yeosang.

"Our baby is growing up"- Jongho

"Wait, so you're telling me that Seonghwa LIKES Hongjoong? I thought he hated him" - Yunho

"He never hated him. He just teased him because he's a coward who can't confront his feelings" - Mingi

"You're not kidding?" - Yunho

"I'm dead serious" - Mingi

We stopped talking long enough to see Seonghwa leaving the party and Mingi and his friends started to follow him, but not before Mingi gave me his phone number. Stunned at the conversation we just had with Seonghwa's friends, we vowed to not say anything to Hongjoong. Speaking of Hongjoong,we had to go find him.

"Did you see who kissed me?" - Hongjoong

"No we were in the other room" - Yeosang

"You didn't find out?" - Wooyoung

"No, he just disappeared when I tried to take the mask off" - Hongjoong

"I guess we'll never know then" - Yunho

"I guess so" - Hongjoong

Hongjoong seemed distracted and he just kept staring into the crowd.


Later that night we all went home and I received a message from Mingi.

"Did you tell him who it was?" - Mingi

"No, we decided to pretend like we didn't see anything" - Yunho

"Do you want to tell him?"- Mingi

"I would like for him to know eventually but quite frankly I don't know how he would react, so for now I'm not gonna tell him" - Yunho

"What if he finds out on his own?" - ingi

"What do you mean?"- Yunho

"Let's convince our friends to be friends with each other and hope he can figure it out" - Mingi

"Hongjoong would not like us suddenly being friends with his mortal enemies friends" - Yunho

"He wouldn't like it for a little while but eventually they have to at least learn to tolerate each other" - Mingi

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