36 Hours - chenji

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People always say high school friendships don't last. They say the friends you meet later in life are the ones that last. I didn't believe them until my best friend and I fell apart. I always felt like we were soulmates like we were meant to find each other. But alas, our friendship didn't last. Like those who warned me had said, those you meet later in life are the ones that last.


It was my freshman year of high school and I thought I had everything figured out. I knew who my friend group was and I didn't anticipate any change to that. Of course, I should have known nothing stays the same forever. It was my freshman year of high school and I was the new kid. I didn't know anyone and I expected everyone to already have their friends determined. Though in hindsight, I should have expected to make at least one friend.

A new family had moved in next door to us a few weeks after the school year had started. As far as I could tell, they only had one son who looked to be the same age as me. I thought nothing of it and left for school as usual. We just moved in next door to a family with a son my age. I wondered if I'd ever get to talk to him.

Later in the day, as I was talking to Jaemin, one of the counselors came to our class with a new student. I recognized him as my new neighbor, but thinking nothing of it I turned back to Jaemin. By the end of the day, I had learned that the boy's name was Jisung. We shared many classes but I still hadn't spoken to him yet. When I got to my new school the counselor had insisted she walk me to my first class. Thankfully no one seemed to pay attention to me and they went about their conversations. Though I did notice I shared this class with my new neighbor.

I returned home that evening and found that my mother had invited the new neighbors over for dinner. She told me they'd be over in an hour and so I went to my room to change. I had no desire to make an impression on the new family so I settled for sweats and a t-shirt. When I got home that evening my mother informed me we would be eating at our neighbor's house for dinner. I wanted to make a good impression and so I changed into cleaner clothes and freshened up.

The Park family had arrived and we were all seated around the table. Our parents spent the evening chatting about neighborhood gossip while Jisung and I sat in silence. Eventually, our parents decided to take their conversation outside by the fire, and Jisung and I were left inside. I sat silently thinking about how I would try and start a conversation with the boy in front of me, but I didn't get a chance with our parents talking the whole time. Eventually, they went outside by the fire and left us at the table.

"I'm Chenle"

"I'm Jisung"

I gave him an awkward half-smile and looked down at my plate. We didn't say much the rest of the evening and I settled for another smile as he was leaving. I smiled at him but I wasn't sure what to talk about so we remained silent.

The next morning I ran into Jisung as I was leaving for school. I asked him if he wanted to walk to school with me and that's the moment we became inseparable. We talked a lot that morning despite our awkward initial meeting the night before. Throughout the day we walked to the classes we shared together and I introduced him to my friends. Jaemin took to him almost immediately. He always did like to spoil me because I was the only one younger than him and now he has Jisung to spoil as well. The next morning I ran into Chenle and he offered to walk with me to school. We finally talked to each other and I realized how much we had in common. We ended up hanging out for the rest of the day and he introduced me to his friends. They were all very friendly but I could tell Chenle would be favorite.

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