You (pt3)

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Hongjoong had left after putting a sleeping Yoohwa to bed and leaving Seonghwa ecstatic at the events that had taken place earlier. He made a mental reminder to give Yoohwa the biggest hug ever. Seonghwa never would have expected that his three year old sister would be the one to make getting close to Hongjoong easier.


As Hongjoong walked home he smiled, thinking about little Yoohwa. He always wanted a sibling and being around her only made him want one more. If he was going to be forced to hang out around Seonghwa, he might as well take advantage of it and spend as much time as possible with Yoohwa. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


The next morning Hongjoong arrived at school to find the two friend groups hanging out again. He knew it would happen but a part of him hoped it wouldn't.

"You're wrong. That song is not hard at all" - Wooyoung

"You're delusional. It's literally the hardest option" - San

San and Wooyoung were assigned a duet dance choreographed by themselves and they were bickering over what song to choose. To Hongjoong it seemed they got along suspiciously well for only starting to hang out yesterday. In fact it was suspicious how well they all got along. But he remembered it was only him who hated Seonghwa and not his friends. It would take a while for him to get used to it.

"Good morning Hongjoong" - Yunho

"Hmm morning" - Hongjoong

"You look tired. Did you sleep okay?" - Yunho

"Yeah" - Hongjoong

"Okay, if you're sure" - Yunho

Truth be told, he didn't sleep well. He was tossing and turning all night. His mind was kept alert as he dreamt about his whole world flipping upside down, literally. He was frozen as he watched everything he knew flip upside down and fall into a black pit with no end. Hongjoong always believed that dreams were intentional and meant something. But this time, he had no idea what it could mean.

"I'm gonna go to the library" - Hongjoong

"Okay, see you at lunch" - Yunho

Hongjoong left, so absorbed into his own thoughts that he wasn't watching where he was walking, and he bumped into someone.

"Sorry" - Hongjoong

Without looking up Hongjoong began to walk away until he felt an arm grab his.

"Wait Hongjoong I was looking for you" - Seonghwa

Hongjoong looked up, surprised to see Seonghwa looking back at him.

"Why" - Hongjoong

"I was going to ask if you wanted to come over to work on our project again" - Seonghwa

"Oh, I'm not sure..." - Hongjoong

"Yoohwa's been asking to see you again" - Seonghwa

"She has?" - Hongjoong

"Yeah, she won't stop actually. I think she really likes you" - Seonghwa

"I guess I can come" - Hongjoong

"I'll meet you at the gate then, same place as yesterday?" - Seonghwa

"Sure" - Hongjoong

Seonghwa watched Hongjoong walk away as he grinned like a mad man. He was excited that he managed to convince Hongjoong to come over a second time, and with no hostility this time.

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