You (pt4)

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At school, Hongjoong and Seonghwa were met with their friends enthusiastic talks about the party San was throwing again.

"You have to play the game again" - wooyoung

"Repeat party games are so lame though" - Jongho

"Yeah. You didn't even play last time. Why do you want it to happen again" - San

"Because I want someone to kiss me like they kissed hongjoong" - Wooyoung

"You don't even know who kissed me" - Hongjoong

"But I know you loved it" - Wooyoung

"If you loved it then wouldn't you want to play again?" - Seonghwa

"Not unless the same person kissed me" - Hongjoong

Hearing this, Seonghwa turned to San and gave him a pleading look.

"Fine. I'll include the game" - San

"Yes! You're the best" - Wooyoung


At the party Wooyoung and San were still bickering about the game.

"I know you're only playing this game again to help Seonghwa but why can't I play too" - Wooyoung

"I only played the game the first time to help Seonghwa. Besides what if a creep tries to make a move on you" - San

"And what if a nice guy has a crush on me and you're getting in the way of my happy ending" - Wooyoung

"What happy ending? It's a party game" - San

"So if it's just a game let me play!" - Wooyoung

"Fine!" - San

Frustrated with Wooyoung, San stormed off to cool down before he had to start the game.


Do you ever get Deja Vu? Because I did. I was back at the party where the mystery man left me frozen. Everything was eerily the same. Just like before my name was called for the mystery kiss game, which would become a tradition at San's parties, and again I was beginning to regret coming. The only difference between this time and the last was that I hoped to find the boy who kissed me last time. I knew it was a long shot but I still hoped. I hoped he would kiss me again and I hoped I wouldn't be disappointed.

I stood, blindfolded, in the middle of the room waiting. I was becoming discouraged the longer I stood there with nothing happening. Until I was approached. Just like before he was gentle and hesitant. I was hopeful; could this be him?

It had to be him because everything was the same as last time. He picked me up and took me to what I'm assuming was the kitchen counter. He caressed my face and laid his forehead against mine. His hands were entangled in my hair and I reached out to place my hands behind his head. Then he kissed me. It was just a peck at first, but that's all I needed to recognize his lips. It was the same boy as last time. I wasn't going to let him go this time.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, preventing him from leaving like last time. I could feel him tense up as he grabbed my thighs and I knew it was now or never. I took my blindfold off and froze.

"It was you?" - Hongjoong

"I'm sorry" - Seonghwa

His face fell and he let his gaze fall to his feet. I was stunned. I had never expected the man who left me in a trance would be Seonghwa. I didn't know how to react but I knew one thing for certain. I wasn't angry or disappointed. I was oddly glad it was him and not a stranger. Despite my initial hatred for the boy trapped in my grasp I no longer hated him. I don't remember when I started to like him, the transition just felt natural. I didn't feel forced to like him because of our friends. I just sort of woke up and all my hatred was gone. And so I stared at Seonghwa who was still staring at his feet and I smiled.

"I'm not" - Hongjoong

His head sprung up to meet my gaze, clearly shocked. I maintained my smile as he scanned my face trying to understand. Finding no sarcasm or lies on my face he smiled back at me.

He kissed me again. It was more than a peck this time. It wasn't just a blindfolded kiss anymore. I knew who he was. All the hate and tension was gone and it was replaced by love. I could hear the people in the crowd clapping and cheering but I tuned them all out. I was focused on Seonghwa.

We broke away, breathing heavily, and we looked at each other.

"You didn't push me away?" - Seonghwa

"Why would I?" - Hongjoong

"I thought you still hated me" - Seonghwa

"I did. Not anymore" - Hongjoong

"I'm glad" - Seonghwa

Seonghwa wrapped his arms around my waist and helped me off the counter before we were swarmed by our friends.

"Finally" - Mingi

"That was really difficult keeping that secret" - Yunho

"You told me you didn't know who kissed me last time" - Hongjoong

"We lied" - Yeosang

"Why do you think our friends just started hanging out all of the sudden and Seonghwa started being nice?" - San

"I don't know" - Hongjoong

"You're just really dense" - Seonghwa

"Apparently" - Hongjoong

Now that the mystery was solved we all decided to go our separate ways. Mingi and Yunho left to go get food; there was no way they didn't like each other. Yeosang drove Jongho home and San and Wooyoung disappeared upstairs to wait out the party. San had been the one to kiss Wooyoung during the blindfolded kissing game though he didn't want it to happen this way. They had a dance performance in the morning and after that San had planned to confess his feelings for Wooyoung, but of course that won't happen seeing as Wooyoung's desire to play the game sped up his plans. As for me and Seonghwa, we went to his house because I missed Yoohwa. The three of us would fall asleep on the couch together later that evening.

I never expected to fall for my enemy but here we are, and I couldn't be happier.

~The End~

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