One Day - Xiaodery

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Hendery hated Xiaojun.

Xiaojun hated Hendery.

Until one day.

The day Hendery almost died for Xiaojun.

It was an ordinary day until their school went into lockdown.

A shooter had made their way on campus and they were headed to the first classroom they saw.

It was the detention room and Xiaojun and Hendery were the only ones there.


Xiaojun swung his fist aiming for Hendery's face but only managed to graze his shoulder when Hendery dodged his attack. Hendery lunged forward grabbing Xiaojun's collar knocking them both down. Hendery was straddling Xiaojun's lap as he leaned over him still grasping his shirt and whispered into his ear.

"I'm gonna kill you." - H

Not missing a beat Xiaojun whispered back

"I'd like to see you try." - X

Xiaojun rolled him and Hendery over so he was the one straddling Hendery. Xiaojun raised his fist up to punch Hendery when he was stopped by a teacher. The teacher dragged him off of Hendery and pulled Hendery up from the ground.

"Detention both of you" - teacher

Xiaojun and Hendery angrily followed the teacher to the detention room where they sat on opposite sides of the room.

"What the hell is going on between you two? You used to just ignore each other and now you're fighting in the halls. I have to be at a meeting in 15 minutes so I expect you both to behave civilly while I'm gone, and do not leave this room until I return. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir" -H

"Yeah" - X

"Good. No fighting or you'll get more than detention" - teacher

Both boys ignored each other for as long as they could but eventually they couldn't stand the sound of each other breathing.

"Can you shut up" - H

"I'm literally only breathing psycho" - X

"You breathe like a cow" - H

"Moo" - X

All of the sudden an alarm went off and the principal could be heard over the speakers

"Staff and students this is a lock down. There is an active shooter in the area. Lock your classrooms and arm yourself. The police are on the way." - principal

"Holy shit we have to go find a room with a teacher" - H

"You can't risk going out there" - X

"But we don't have a key to lock the doors. We need to be in a room where a teacher can lock the doors" - H

All of the sudden both boys heard the front doors slam open as if someone kicked them in. They heard two gunshots go off as if the shooter was warning the school that he was on campus. They turned and looked at each other terror taking over their faces.

"The filing cabinet" - H

"What?" - X

"We have to move it to block the door" - H

" Are you crazy! He'll hear us moving it and come and kill us. It's too late to do anything" - X

"Then we have to hide. Here take this." - H

Hendery handed Xiaojun a pair of scissors and motioned for him to follow him. Hendery opened the lower cabinets and signaled for xiaojun to get inside. But before he could, the door slammed open.

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