Sink or Swim - A

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Anton POV

Wonbin was everything I liked in a person. He was beautiful and he was shy. He didn't seem to know just how beautiful he was. His laugh was like honey, so sweet and addictive. He was so kind to everyone he met. Except for me. His smiles were never directed at me. Kind words never left his lips in my presence. His gaze was sharp and intimidating.

I wanted to believe it was all an act. I must have done something to upset him and he held a grudge. Everyone always asks me "Anton, why doesn't Wonbin like you?" "What did you do to him?". I never have an answer. How do I tell people that I genuinely have no idea why he doesn't like me. I thought he would always hate me.

Until he didn't.


Swimmers from another school got mad that I beat them and they cornered me after the meet. I don't even know who they were. I was fighting to breathe as they kept pushing my head underwater. They just kept laughing the more I gasped for air. I didn't know how much more of this I could take. As if my guardian angel was looking out for me, someone jumped into the water. Finally, the two stopped trying to drown me and I gripped the dive block to try and steady myself. When I finally looked to see who came to help me I was shocked to see Wonbin. He had positioned himself between me and the other swimmers and even managed to scare them off. Once they left, Wonbin turned to face me.

The tone of his voice startled me. There was no hateful undertone, he seemed genuinely worried about me. I didn't answer him the first time he asked if I was okay. He asked again, more forcefully this time, but I still couldn't answer as I struggled to breathe. All I could do was stare at him. It wasn't until he waved his hand in front of my face that I snapped back to reality. God he was so beautiful.

In a split second I reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards me. I wrapped my other hand around his neck and kissed him. I didn't think I'd ever get this chance again so I kissed him violently. I dropped his wrist so I could grab the other side of his neck and pulled him in deeper. I traced over every inch of his lips. I wanted more. I bit his bottom lip and slid my tongue in his now open mouth. The moan he let out was like honey to my ears.

I felt his hands intertwined in my hair and that turned me on even more. I slid my hands down his back and lifted him out of the water. He wrapped his legs around me and I grabbed him even tighter. I could feel every inch of his bare skin pressed against mine, and every heave of his chest as he fought to breathe between our kisses. I didn't think I could take it any longer.

Still kissing him, I carried him out of the water and sat him down on the windowsill. I pinned his arms over his head and let my lips drag across his jawline before moving to his collarbone.

"Someone's gonna see us Anton"

I could only hum in response as I explored more of his exposed body.

"Anton seriously, we're out in the open"

"Let them watch Wonbin" I whispered into his ear.

He gasped when I slid my fingers inside his swim trunks. I noticed a red tint creep across his face the longer I made eye contact. I just barely brushed the base of his cock, but it was enough for a whine to escape his pretty lips.

"Anton... this is wrong"

"How can something that feels so right be wrong? Don't try to be quiet. I want to hear you scream. Let them hear you scream."

I helped him down from the windowsill and turned him around to face outside the window. Before he could react, I had both our suit off and sprawled at our feet. I leaned in to kiss his neck, and I could feel every inch of his bare skin pressed against mine. It didn't take much for him to start screaming my name. With each thrust he let gasps leave his lips. He couldn't control his moans if he tried. My grip on his waist was so tight it would leave bruises later.

"An...ton..." he screamed as I thrust deeper inside him. "Don'" I was enjoying every second of this.

I fucked him faster as both neared orgasm. I began to moan with him as I got closer to orgasming. He screamed one last time before he came all over the wall in front of us. I pulled out and came all over the ground, barely missing our suits.

"Should we clean this up?" He asked me shyly.

"Leave it, they'll never know"


I noticed him staring at himself in the locker room mirror. He was mumbling something but I couldn't tell what. It wasn't until he started to trace the bruises that I walked over to him.

"You have to admit that was fun" I said as I caressed his hips again. I met his gaze through the mirror and smiled at him.

"No...that was wrong... I'm supposed to hate you not let you fuck me on a pool deck". He pushed my hands off him and turned around to face me. "Never again".


I could tell he was avoiding me. With our schedules being so different I barely got to see him anyway but this was a new level of avoidance. During practice he pretended like I wasn't even there. He may have been ignoring me, but I noticed how he looked at the windowsill. I could tell he was thinking about it. Everytime I said anything he flinched ever so slightly.

When practice ended he rushed out before I could stop him. I decided to finally confront him.

I opened the curtain to the shower he was in, and he whipped around startled. "Anton?"

"Shh" I whispered as my eyes dropped to his lips. I lifted his chin up so he was forced to look at me. Then I kissed him. This time it was slower and I tried to show sincerity. I cupped his face so gently in my hands. I pulled away and kissed his forehead before I left him in the shower.


I couldn't stop staring at him. I wanted his attention so bad. Everytime he moved my eyes followed him. At practice I stayed in his lane. I managed to learn his schedule and I would wait around to see him. I never said anything. I didn't know what to say.


I've never seen Wonbin at a party before so I was shocked when he walked in. My jaw almost dropped. He looked as nervous as I felt. I started chugging whatever alcohol I could get my hands on. Finally I felt confident enough to approach him. I walked up to him as he was trying to leave and I pinned him against the wall.

"Anton?" He looked surprised to see me. "Wonbin ah... are you... leaving?" I stared at him while I waited for his response. He didn't say anything so I started to trace his beautiful face. Still, silence, so I grabbed his waist in the same spot as the bruises I left not too long ago.

No matter what I did, he seemed too distracted to notice me. I needed him to notice me. Finally I kissed him and that seemed to pull his attention towards me.

I kissed him as long as I could, and when he didn't pull away I asked him to leave with me.

I didn't live too far from the party and it seemed like he was happy to be following me. I never let go of his hand, and I kept looking back to make sure he was really coming with me.


He fell asleep on my chest that night. He just laid there moving slightly with the rise and fall of my chest as I breathed. I stayed awake a little longer than he did. I wanted to cherish this moment since I didn't know if it would ever happen again. I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled when he let out soft sighs. Finally I fell asleep.

He must have been really tired because I managed to wake up before him. I spent this time staring at his beautiful face. I decided that when he woke up I would pretend to not remember last night. I wanted to see how he would react to sleeping in the same bed as me. When he opened his eyes he looked up at me and said "Everything okay?" It took everything in me to hide my smile "Did ...did we?" to my surprise he smiled at me and responded with a small giggle "No we didn't"

"Wonbin?" "Yeah?" "I like you" he froze when I said that. Before he could respond my lips were on his again. I loved his lips.

Between kisses he whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"I like you too Anton"

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