In the Stars - wonton

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You took the best part of me with you when your heart stopped.

Watching the life drain from your eyes was the most painful moment I've ever had to endure.

You were gone, and I had nothing left to live for.


When I was sixteen years old, I met a boy who made me feel like myself for the first time in my life. He was something to look forward to each time I woke up. I no longer dreaded the sun rising. Instead, I smiled when the warm rays hit my face. Rainy days brought me peace because I knew I would be stuck inside with you.

All that I was revolved around your existence in my life. I fought through so much hardship because I had you to stand by my side.

My parents hated me. In their eyes, I was a disgrace. I could never live up to their expectations. But with you, nothing was ever expected of me. I was free to live as I was without worrying about if you'd leave me. I wish I could tell you just how much you meant to be. But now it's too late. I can only hope I'll meet you in the stars.

I thought my life was over when my parents found out about you. I can still remember that day as if it happened yesterday. I can still feel your hands caressing my waist as you pull me into your lap. I can still taste your lips as if they were pressed against mine now. I only wish I could have heard my parents come home.

I remember the terror in my voice as I tried to explain. I remember trying to hide you behind me as I shot out of your lap. I remember the anger in my dad's face as he screamed at me to leave.

I remember you facing my parents as if nothing could hurt you. You stood up for me when no one else ever had. I didn't think I could love you any more than I already did, and yet somehow I did. You dragged me away from the home that kept me shackled with shame and refused to let me go back.


When I was seventeen, you told me you loved me under the stars. For so long I was constantly battling my emotions and rationality. I wanted to tell you I loved you so badly, but I didn't know how. And here you were, under the sparkle of a starry night, telling me like it was easy. We stayed out all night that night. Just you, me, and the stars to witness our love.

Your lips tasted different that night.


When I was eighteen, you asked me to go away to college with you. You asked as if it was the most natural thing you could have done. How could I have said no?

Life with you was everything I ever wanted in a family. I was happy just being with you. I thought nothing this world could throw at me would ever hurt me. I was strong because you were with me. Because you loved me.


When I was nineteen, my life changed forever.

To my horror, I watched your life drain away as you were ripped from me. Why did you have to protect me? Why didn't you save yourself? Didn't you know I couldn't live without you?

He was drunk. He didn't even know he took you from me. He was driving so fast. I was numb.

Tears were streaming down my face as I begged you to stay. I pleaded with everyone who would listen to save you. I screamed for you when I wanted nothing more than to die with you. But you were gone, and I was still here.


When I was twenty, the nightmares changed. It was always the same dream every night. I was chasing a boy who I felt like I knew. I ran towards him desperately trying to see who he was, but I was unsuccessful. I always woke up when I got close; his figure fading as my fingertips brushed against him.

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