Nothing I Can Do - Xiaodery

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The choir club was very popular at sm high. Not because they liked music but because they liked Xiao Dejun. Dejun had a beautiful voice and a beautiful face both of which helped make the choir a very popular club. So many people wanted to join just so they could be near Dejun; so much so, that choir became an audition-only club. Everyone loved Dejun, except one person.

Hendery never understood why everyone loved Dejun so much; then again he had never been to a choir concert and had never heard Dejun sing. It frustrated him. Dejun wasn't as great as everyone made him seem. He should know; he and Dejun have been fighting since forever. Hendery found him intolerable.

It was another day at school and Hendery was already in a bad mood. He couldn't walk five feet down the hall without someone praising Dejun.

"Seriously, what's so great about him? He's so annoying" - Hendery

"Literally like only you thinks that" - Yangyang

"Don't you guys think he's annoying?" - Hendery

"No. We like Dejun. It's just you" - Lucas

"What great friends you are" - Hendery

"We're all for hating someone who deserves it. But like Dejun has done nothing to you" - Yangyang

"You're just mad he's more popular than you" - Lucas

Hendery couldn't lie; he didn't have a reason to hate Dejun, but there was something about him that didn't sit right with him. The only reason the whole school loves him is because he can sing and he looks pretty. At least that's all he's ever heard from people.


On the other side of the school, oblivious to the conversation Hendery and his friends were having, Dejun and his friends were preparing for the upcoming choir concert.

"What are you gonna sing this time?" - Ten

"I don't know yet but I'm sure it will come to me soon" - Dejun

"What ever you choose you know the school will love it" - Kun

"yeah" - Dejun


Both Dejun and Hendery, from opposite ends of the school, were making their way to class when they ran into each other.

"Ugh it's you" - Hendery

"I don't have time to deal with this today" - Dejun

"What? Don't want to keep your fans waiting?" - Hendery

"At least I have some. How could anyone like a person like you? You're pathetic" - Dejun

"At least I'm real. They only like the image they've created of you" - Hendery

Dejun scoffed and walked away; leaving Hendery to smirk at his win.



I know what I'm gonna sing


Can't wait to hear it


You're gonna kill it


Later that night Dejun, Kun, and Ten were backstage preparing their songs for the night.

"Next to sing is Dejun!" - announcer

Dejun heard the crowd cheer and he took center stage. He began to sing and the crowd went silent.

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