Liar (pt1) - nomin

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She's a little spicy :)

Mrs. Na - "Happy birthday sweetie!"

Jaemin - "Thanks, mom!"

Mrs. Na - "Changmin will pick you up and take you shopping after school, pick out whatever you'd like."

Jaemin - "Yes mom."


Haechan - "Good morning Jaemin, Happy birthday!"

Jaemin - "Thank you Haechan!"

Haechan - "I got you something."

Jaemin - "Aw you didn't have to get me anything."

Haechan - "I know, but I saw it and just had to get it for you."

Jaemin - "Oh Haechan, It's beautiful."

Haechan - "Really?"

Jaemin - "I love it."

Haechan - "I know it's not much but..."

Jaemin - "It's perfect."

Haechan had picked out a stunning yellow sunshine keychain. Jaemin added it to his lanyard and admired its beauty before pulling Haechan in for a tight hug.

Jaemin - "I'm going shopping after school, will you come with me?"

Haechan - "Of course, I wouldn't miss a shopping spree for anything."

Jaemin laughed at his best friend and grabbed his hand. Together they walked to their first class whispering about their school's latest gossip.

Jeno - "Aw look, the rich boy and his moocher best friend. It's too bad no one likes you for your personality. People only stick around for your money."

Haechan - "Ignore him, Jeno's an ass."

Jaemin - "I know, I just wish he would at least leave me alone on my birthday."

Haechan - "That boy is adamant about making your life hell, not even your birthday could make him stop."

Jaemin - "Ugh I know."

Lee Jeno is notorious for targeting the privileged. His latest victim, Na Jaemin, the school's heartthrob and rich boy. Jaemin had everyone wrapped around his finger, everyone except Jeno. Jeno grew up under the impression that if you weren't struggling you were a bad person. His family taught him to believe those with money were inferior to the rest and that stuck with him his whole life.

Mark - "Where have you been?"

Jeno - "I ran into Jaemin."

Mark - "Let me guess, his little slave was glued to his hip."

Jeno - "He always is."

Mark - "Those two are so fake."

Jeno - "I don't understand why people like Jaemin so much."

Mark - "It's the money man. It blinds people."

Jeno - "It's pathetic."

Mark - "Whatever, we graduate this year, and then we'll never have to see them again."

Jeno - "Good."


Mr. Choi - "Good morning class! As you all know by now, the senior field trip to the beach is this Friday. Make sure you have everything and be at the school at 6 am."

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