Sink or Swim - W

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Wonbin POV

Anton was everything I hated in a person. He was cocky, entitled, and pretty. Trust me when I say he knew he was pretty and knew how to use it against people. But one thing that never made sense was how quiet he was. He was so soft-spoken, never raising his voice, and yet he held so much power in his voice. He had everyone around him bending over backward to please him. Everyone except me.

I saw through his act. His smiles were never genuine. Everyone always asks me, "Wonbin, why don't you like Anton?" "What has he ever done to you?". I never have an answer. How can you explain to people that it's just a feeling you have? I have no true reason other than the feeling in my gut. He just seemed so fake. He was so predictable.

Until he wasn't.


I headed back to the pool deck to help put lane lines away after a meet, but it was eerily quiet. I rounded the corner, leaving the locker room, and to my horror, I saw swimmers from the opposing team trying to drown Anton. Without thinking I dove into the water, the splash caught the two off guard. I wasn't sure what I intended on doing, but I couldn't pretend like I didn't see him struggling and in need of help. I managed to pull one of them away enough for Anton to break free from their grasp. I stood between them, refusing to let them close to Anton again. We stared at each other for what felt like minutes before they decided we weren't worth their time and left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and turned to find Anton gripping the dive block and gasping for air.

"Are you ok?" I asked, my tone free from hatred unlike most of our encounters.

He didn't respond.

"Anton, are you ok?", I asked again, more pressing as he was beginning to worry me.

Still, he didn't respond. He just stared at me as he fought to keep breathing steadily. I waved my hand in front of his face, hoping to snap him out of his trance-like state. I never expected what he would do next.

In a split second, he reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. Still gripping my wrist, his free hand wrapped around the back of my neck, and he kissed me. It wasn't slow, but frantic, almost as if he'd never get a chance to do it again. He dropped my wrist and grabbed the other side of my face, pulling me deeper into the kiss. His lips traced over every inch of mine. He bit my lip, eliciting a small moan in response, and slid his tongue in to meet mine. Finally, I reacted.

I let my hands find his wet hair and intertwined my fingers in the strands. He seemed to enjoy my response since the next thing I knew I was being lifted out of the water. His hands had slid down my back, caressing my waist before lifting me up and allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist. He had his arms wrapped around me so tightly. I could feel every inch of his bare skin pressed against mine, every heave of his chest as he fought to breathe between his frantic kisses. I didn't think I could take it any longer.

As if he was reading my mind, he walked up the stairs and out of the pool, his lips never leaving mine. He sat me down on the windowsill, pushing me against the window, and let his lips travel down to my jawline. He pinned my arms above my head and started sucking on my collar bone.

"Someone's gonna see us Anton"

He only hummed at me and continued exploring my exposed torso.

"Anton seriously, we're out in the open"

He whispered into my ear, "Let them watch Wonbin"

I gasped when I felt his fingers slowly slide inside my swim trunks. I couldn't help but blush at the way he was staring at me. His fingertips just barely brushed the base of my cock, but it was enough to tempt a whine from my lips.

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