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- A/N:

Hey there!:) I hope you enjoy this story, Y/n's quirk will be revealed throughout the story but let me know if it confuses u then I'll add a formal profile;)  this is set just before season five after season four of mha. If you want you can vote on it or something idk. I have published other stories on my profile if you would like to check it out. Also pls no hate, I'm a sensitive ass bitch<3 there's a lot of trigger warnings so read the description beforehand.
Other than that pls enjoy<3


Y/n's POV:

My days are filled with nothing but pain. I don't mean to brag, but I feel as if I know every kind of pain that exists plus a tad bit more, all kinds of pain  - you name it - is anything but a stranger to me. 'Don't be so dramatic' one might say in an attempt to chagrin me, but here's the thing; the fact that my butt (which is pretty good if I may say so myself despite the lack of exercise in my life)  has been stuck to a fucking hospital bed for exactly a year, two months and 27 days - not that I'm counting or anything. Add that to the fact that I might not even live till adult hood, to the fantabulous mixing bowl of my life and try calling me dramatic then. 

I mean, I can't complain, I've always been sick, its all I've ever known. But thanks to recent events I now have to justify that by hanging around a hospital for the rest of this life that's probably shorter than me. 

While kids my age have dreams to become heroes and villains, I just dream to still be alive and celebrate my eighteenth birthday in four years - and that's on good days. To be honest, I just don't get why my doctors and nurses just haven't let me kick the bucket, I mean I'm gonna die anyway why not make it on my terms? It's not as if I have anything else to live for right?

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