The Plan

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Bakugo's POV:

The feel of her soft light hands gliding over me, running through my hair... those cute ass lips on mine, god I can't get her out of my head - I wouldn't be this ok with it if it didn't help motivate me to win with even more awesomeness then usual... I smirk as I remember my victory at the one on one fight with that damn nerd Deku - 

"- Bakugo? Hey Bakugo!" I snap out of it as Shitty hair and Pikachu lean over to my desk.

"What the hell do you want?!" I snap at them, keeping an eye out for Cementos are teacher who had stepped out for a second. They looked at me puzzled; "Bro didn't you hear us? We were asking you if you wanted to hang out in the weekend with the rest of the boys! Ya game?" Pikachu pipes eagerly.

"Tch no I've got better things to do" I grumble, knowing I had arranged to visit Y/n at the hospital the same weekend. 

"Awww come onnnn Bakubro! You haven't been hanging out much with us any more than you rarely do already!" Shitty hair pleaded. 

"We live in the same building Shitty hair, we see each other everyday" I point out, my patience fraying. 

"Fair point... So what are you doin' that'll waste a perfectly good free weekend with the boys!?" Shitty hair asked jovially.

"Non of your damn business Shitty hair! Now get back to work, you're still ranked low in the class!" I snap at him and Pikachu.

"Bakugo! Kirishima and Kaminari! pipe down and stop messing around this instant!" I heard four eyes demand from the other end of the classroom with a stern glare and those trademark hand gestures.

Tch stupid, I shot him a red hot glare before turning towards the front and slouching down and biting on the end of my pencil. For some reason, Shitty hair gave me a curious look before sitting back to his desk just as Cementos came back, leaving me in peace from trivial shit like that.

------Kirishima's POV:

As Cementos came back into the classroom carrying a stack of papers, I sit back and observe Bakugo from the corner of my eye thoughtfully. He's been acting weird these past few days, and to think about ever since he left the hospital... Wonder what's up? I scratch my temple with a pencil still deep in though, mmhh could it be...? No, him? A start as Bakugo catches me staring and snarls at me. Well that's more like him I think fondly, turning back hurriedly. I catch Mina's eye who's eyes ask 'what's the tea?' I snort inwardly before mouthing at her; after class. She nods excitedly as we turn back to the load of information we missed.

After class I rush out and catch up to Mina bidding Uraraka goodbye before she turns to me with a bated breath; "So! What happened?! Spill!"

I chuckle before leaning into her and saying conspiringly; "Ok, usually I don't like spreading rumours coz it's not very manly. But I gotta discuss this with someone... Don't you think Bakugo's been acting pretty weird ever since he came back from the hospital? I mean, he's been kinda... I don't know, I guess kinda more relaxed; y'know less yelling at everything and all" 

Mina's eyes widened as she considered it. "Omg yeess! That is so true! I never thought about it but now that you brought it up I totally see it! That together with the fact that he's mostly away on weekends could only mean one thing!" 

She stopped in the middle of the now isolated hallway and raises a finger dramatically before continuing; "Bakugo Katsuki... Has a girlfriend!!!!!" 

"Or boyfriend" I say, "Either way, should we ask him?"

Mina thought for a moment before deciding; "Nah there's no point, he won't say, but... Maybe we can put him in a position where he won't have any other choice but to answer truthfully; in non other but in a game of truth or dare!" 

that would be a good idea I guess... Still I hesitate; "I don't know... Wouldn't that be a little manipulative? I mean he doesn't need to say who he's dating - if he even is..."

Mina nodded; "I know what you mean, but like tomorrow's Friday and I was planning on inviting the whole class to hang out together and play truth or dare anyway, so maybe we could just ask him and if he says no then we won't push it! That way we wouldn't be forcing it on him!"

"Mhhh well if we go about it like that then yeah! Let's do this!" I exclaim, my excitement back now that potential villainous acts were out of the question. 

Mina punched the air with her fist; "YAYYY! I'm a freakin' genius!" She cheered. "So we'll put this in action tomorrow night. But right now I need to go, Shoji being the sweetheart he is said he's help me with my homework before our next period whatever that is - do you know?" She asked.

I scratch the back of my neck before admitting; "Uuhhh no... I'll go ask Bakubro."

"Okie then ciao!" Mina flashes me a smile before skipping off practically bouncing off the walls with her high energy, leaving me alone with the mission to search this gigantic school for where Bakugo is. 

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