What A Night!

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*Still Y/n's POV:

Our light banter continues until we reach the doors that led to the dance. He flashes me another one of his cocky smirks and kicks open the doors. He carries me to the table where the rest of his class sit or dance around it (in Mina, Kirishima and Hagakure's case) all of their eyes are on us, giving us knowing smirks. My face grows red as I realise what they were thinking. Weak knees... happy faces...
"Oh hell no! This is not what this looks like!" I blurt out much to everyone's amusement.

Katsuki being no help at all, just smirks as he sets me down gently on a chair before turning to a black haired dude with weird elbows; "OI! SOY SAUCE FACE! GET OVER HERE AND GIMME SOME TAPE!"

Mina and the rest girls gather around me conspiratorially.
"What happened!? Tell us!" Mina squeals.
I laugh; "Guys. Nothing happened!"
They raise their eyebrows in disbelief. I frown, this is getting serious. "No like really guys, nothing like that happened!"

Mina pouts; "Well if so... THEN WHY DIDN'T YOUUU!" She wails dramatically, backed up by Hagakure.

I narrow my eyes at them and playfully flip them off which they respond to rasberries.

"OI! CLEAR OFF YOU DAMN NERDS!" Katsuki yells, they fuzz about me more before dispersing. He holds up the black haired dude who smiles widely at me and introduces himself; "Hey! I'm Hanta Sero!"
"Hey! I'm Y/n" I answer with an equally wide smile.
I notice he grows really red and stutters to my confusion that's sorted out when Katsuki gives him a red hot look. Sero pulls up his sleeves and lets Katsuki yank out tape from his elbows before letting him shove him away.
"Well that's a handy quirk" I comment lightly.

Katsuki answers with a grunt. He bends down on one knee and sets my foot with the broken heel on his leg before deftly taping it up.
"There, it'll hold for now." He says shortly as he plops into the seat next to mine. I squeeze his hand and give him a thank you look.

He stays by my side where we stuff our faces with food and I talk to his other classmates who I've decided are my new friends as well.

-----Bakugo's POV:

As Shitty hair is telling some elaborate story to me and Pikachu, I couldn't help but overhear Ears and Y/n's conversation.

"I'm loving the dress Jirou!" Y/n says to her friend.

"Oh thanks! All thanks to you, I would never have found that shop without you!" Ears responded with an unusually big smile as they continue talking about girl stuff that I did NOT want to hear about. I smile to myself, I'm happy Y/n has other friends now, that'll help her... I think fondly.

"Hey Bakubro what is it about my screw-ups that makes you smile?" Shitty hair complains to me. I hadn't realised I was smiling.

Ugh, nosy shitty hair. My face falls into its comfortable frown as I stand up and snarl; "Ugh whatever, Shitty hair I wasn't smiling at that" I add to myself as I leave them to get a drink.

----Back to Y/n's POV:

I watch Jirou in the grunge/alt dress we picked out together a couple of days ago sway with a nervous looking Denki with a motherly pride. This is what I've been missing out on I think, now that I've experienced this, I want it to be like this forever... I smile wanly, forever... What a nice word...

The slow cheesy music and the swirling strobes of light set me in the mood for some good old rom-com swaying just as Katsuki plops down beside me. I ease to my feet and test out my heel gingerly before giving my hand out to him.

"Come on let's dance." I say with a winning smile.

He appraises my hand and replies with a snort; "Like hell I will."

I roll my eyes; "Oh come on! You danced with me before! That was fun right?"

"No." Was the short reply. I raise my eyebrows but take his hand gently and pout; "You said you'll make this a night I'll remember" I push persuasively.

He leans back on the chair, crossing his arms with a smirk; "I had other things in mind then stupid dancing."

My eyebrows inch up as I realise what he meant. Oh whoa that was smooth I think to myself before recovering; "Well before you take my innocence let me at least take this dance."

His brows come together but then he shrugs; "Fair enough" he growls. He takes my hand and lets me lead him to the dance floor where we sway like couples do. The whole time I couldn't wipe the grin off my face, if what Katsuki meant what I thought, this really is gonna be a night I'll remember. And Katsuki always keeps his promises...

-- time skip to sometime later... Y/n's POV:

Me and Bakugo lie in each others arms in the backseat of the car, my hair a mess but my face was glowing. Katsuki plays with my hair, kissing my neck with a wonderful softness that just made me melt.

"Katsuki?" I murmur, which he answers with a grunt.

"I don't want to die" I confess softly.

He's silent for a few moments, so I turn and face him, trying not to fall off the seat. I take advantage of his silence;
"I mean, I've always not really wanted to... But now...Now that I really don't, everything seems scarier" I admit reluctantly. I've had a taste of life and I don't wanna let go.

"I at least want to live till I'm eighteen... That's been my goal ever since."

At my words, Katsuki draws his arms tighter around me and finally speaks; "I don't know when you'll die, but I'm gonna do anything in my power to make every second of the time you have left, something that'll keep a smile on your face even at your death bed. I promise you that Y/n."

His words, so sincerely put, embarrassingly made my eyes water that I blink away in annoyance. I touch a finger to his jaw and murmur the truth, "You're already doing it KitKat..." 

Our foreheads touch, a simple gesture that filled my aching heart more then I'd like to admit to myself. Its bittersweet moments like these when my dreams, nightmares and reality come together into something I only feel around him. Content. This won't last forever, and I'm ok with that I realise with a shocking clarity. The future isn't here now and when it comes, I'll face it with all the memories I've made with my friends.

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