Formal Introductions...

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Bakugo's POV:

almost a week has passed since I was first admitted in, and I am so fucking bored. My daily one handed routine was wake up, get checked up, work out when no one's looking, then looking out of the window till my next check up. Afterwards, Shitty Hair or some of my other classmates would come and slightly entertain me until I grew bored of them and/or visiting times were over. 

After Shitty Hair and Pikachu finally left from their almost daily visit, I lay back on my bed and stare up at the ceiling in idle contemplation. Suddenly, a beeping noise cut through my bores daze; making me cringe at the sudden incessant noise.

"FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" I yell, banging on stupid machine with my good hand.

"Y'know, banging on it won't make it stop right?" a familiar voice said.

I turned to find... Was it Y/n? Yeah I think it is... Anyways, in all my rage I hadn't heard the door open. 

"Yeah and what are you an expert?" I prod angrily. Her unaffected expression annoyed me to a boiling point, making me want to see how I can push her over the edge. 

I suddenly realise I've been staring at her. I awkwardly compose myself and settle to glare at Y/n who by now has moved to the machine and was pressing all these knobs and buttons with an experienced ease until the beeping stopped. 

As I watch her fiddle with the machine expertly, something about her made me relax and lay back.

"You're quite an expert on these things huh" I say after observing her antics. 

"Yeah well I've been here a while" Y/n said, pressing a final button.

I grumble in acknowledgement. "What's wrong with you? Better not be infectious" I finally asked bluntly.

To my surprise, Y/n laughed at my question before replying good naturedly; "Oh no don't worry, I'm pretty sure I'm not infectious" she joked as I rolled my eyes.

I'm judging from the way she artfully avoided my question that she doesn't want to say, fair enough, I guess in hindsight it was a pretty personal question. Welp, never mind. I couldn't keep up with this girl.

"Ever since I was little, my quirk hasn't been compatible with my body. A side affect of my ability 'Cell Activation,' destroys my vital cells by the second while also repairing them at the same time. Thanks to that, I haven't really been able to use it fully... And the thing is, it takes much longer and harder to regenerate cells than destroy, hence my current medical dilemma." Y/n explained calmly as if she didn't just tell me her whole tragic life story.

"Damn. That must suck" I say unhelpfully, after a few minutes of contemplative silence. She nodded with an amused expression on her face, her eyes scanning my face thoughtfully, making me uncomfortable. "Y'know, I'm glad we're friends Bakugo"

My brow furrows at her bold openness - we literally just met but ok - before I enquire testily; "Hey, how did you know my name? You stalking me huh! Is that it?"

For some reason, Y/n's giggle brought a pink flush to my cheeks which I mentally beat away as she answered; "No dummy!" She points to the clipboard my my side with my name on it. 

"Oh right. I was about to get a restraining order" I grumble in relief. 

She snorted and rolled her eyes before spotting the pile of school books next to me. "what's that?" 

I smile wickedly as I retort; "Books, dumbass" I felt a flicker of victory as Y/n glowered. "I'm just gonna ignore that. But while we're on the subject can I do your homework?"

I study her sincere face before saying; "Mhm whatever, just use a pencil, knowing your dumbass I'm gonna have to do it all over."

She shrugged; "you're probably right to be honest." 

I grumble in annoyance, how can she act calm all the time? Will nothing push her buttons? Ugh what do I care, she's just a damn extra. I shook my head in irritation as she just plopped herself on the foot of my bed with my books and buried her head amongst them. After a moments consideration, I growl but snatched another workbook and worked on it as well.

--- Y/n's POV:

I discretely peer over Bakugo's workbook to where he was sitting just across me, his lower half body covered with a blanket. His concentration on his work gives me time to study his face. 

He has a nicely shaped head, nice lips too I think, unconsciously tapping the workbook with my finger as my thoughts ran wild; I like his eyes, they're a pretty red, kinda like those shiny rubies people find in caves... His hair too is pretty cool, the way it spikes up like an angsty lil' ash-blonde hedgehog... I'm unable to stop a smile spreading across my face, catching Bakugo's eye.

"What the hell you laughing at Idiot?" Bakugo snarls, not holding back... What a refreshing change I think fondly before bursting into a laugh; "I was just thinking how your hair's like a cute lil' hedgehog!"

His face flushes with anger, making me want to laugh even more as he rages; "IF YOU'RE SO BRAVE WHY DON'T YOU TOUCH IT AND WE'LL SEE JUST HOW SPIKY I CAN BE!"

I shrug, accepting the challenge; "Ok sure!" 

He looks affronted as I suddenly scooch up to him and reach out a hand to touch his hair. "It's so nice and soft... But spiky too!" I exclaim in delight as I gently ruffle his hair so as not to mess it up too bad.

For a moment he looks unsure and vulnerable, but his brow furrows at me growled - growled! - at me. I bite back a smile but withdraw my hand. I sit where I scooched closer to him as I ask; "What quirk did you have?"

He rolls his eyes to the ceiling before answering shortly, looking everywhere but me; "Explosion."

"Oh wow! That's so cool!" I say in wonder; "Does it have any side affects like mine?"

I notice him hesitate for a few seconds before regaining his composure and saying with a healthy dose of angst; "WHY DON'T YOU MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS"

Touchy subject eh? I think to myself before saying breezily; "Fair enough" I flash him a smile, pretending not to notice his hand move to unconsciously touch his ear.

Just as I open my mouth to change the subject, the door opens to reveal Doctor Ban who looks up in surprise before sighing in exasperation; "Y/n! For the last time, you must be resting and under serveillance all the time!"

I jump in surprise at this sudden entrance as Ban continues; "now go back to your room, nurse Kimiko will deal with you" 

"Ugh fine. Sorry. See ya later Bakugo!" I say in defeat, nodding to Ban in apology as I slide off the bed and walk out. 

Sorry Doc, I know you're just doing your job, but I'm going crazy here without human interaction. So to appease Doc and me, I'll just have to be stealthier next time, cause I've grown to liking that Baku Boy, so while he's still at the hospital, I'll just keep visiting him. I think to myself as I walk to my room.

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