Plus One

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Bakugo's POV:

"Alright, settle down class" drawled Aizawa Sensei with a tired glare. "Next week, UA will be holding a dance for the whole school to celebrate some high end holiday or whatever..." 

Most of the class cheered and whooped in excitement, before sitting back down at Aizawa's sharp look.
"Frankly, I think it's a waste of time - and being your homeroom teacher I get to decide if you all go..." 

The class gasps dramatically, and grips their desks in anticipation. Tch, stupid losers I think as Aizawa continues;
"But, since most of you have barely - barely - exceeded my expectations I guess there'll be no harm in letting you all join the festivities as long as you all do not taint the hero courses' reputation."

The class cheered louder and thanked Aizawa Sensei profusely, who in turn ignored them and slumped back into his trademark yellow sleeping bag.

"My oh my! A week is too short to plan!" Breathed the sparkly fancy pants (Aoyama duh). 

"Ughh why is this even such a big deal! It's just a stupid dance!" I complain loudly, eager to get going on more training. 

Raccoon eyes pounced on me with wild and suggestive eyes; "Well stupid or not you better go and bring Y/n with you!" 

I ignore her and just cross my arms with a scowl, groaning as Deku leant across his desk and said; "Yeah you really should Kaachan! Y/n will enjoy that!" 

"HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW THAT, DAMN DEKU!" I shouted. I ignore his stuttered retort and grab my bag, shooting Deku one last suspicious look, he's not wrong though, I think as I storm out to do something actually productive.

----- Y/n's POV (that afternoon):

Mhhhh which colour should I paint my nails? I wonder. My vast  collection of nail polish colours spread before me on the bed as I sit crosslegged. Black? No, too basic... Pink? Nah, too frilly... Oo how 'bout turquoise! Eh nahhh. Torn between all the choices, I didn't hear the knock on the door. 

"Hey Dumbass! You in there?!" The familiar voice jolts me from my deep thoughts. 

I grin, "Come in!" 

The door bangs open as Katsuki walks in still in his school uniform, with an angry scowl on his face. He plops down on the edge of my bed.

"Hey yourself" I say distractedly, as my hunt for a new colour resumes. 

"I didn't say hi" was his short retort, to which I raise my eyebrows and smirk; "Yeah but you were thinking it, just like how you want to kiss me right now cause I look so hot." 

He shatters my life's hopes and dreams by snorting; "Yeah right" making me huff in laughter.

"I need your help: which colour should I do?" I ask, gesturing to the mess on my bed. He gives it a quick look over and grabs a bottle wordlessly. 
"White huh?" I ask, he ignores me and schooches closer while shaking the bottle of white nail polish. He takes my hand and starts to apply it on my nails with surprising skill. Damn, I never pegged him as the type to actually take time in painting his nails I think, as I gaze at his concentrated face dreamily.

"You really are amazing" I say, smiling at him. 

A pink flush sears across his cheeks, making him scowl harder as he says, already softening; "finally caught on haven't you teddy bear?" 

Now it's my turn to scowl at him as he smirks, finishing up my nails. I study them with a raised eyebrow, impressed by the smoothness and cleanliness. "Damn, pretty impressive I have to say" I admit reluctantly. 
"Oh come on, you can say it's awesome" He drawls cockily, sprawling across the bed. "Only if you let me paint your nails" I shoot back. 

He eyes me suspiciously; "You better do it well or else."

I couldn't help but smirk at what he probably meant as a threatening tone but turned out sounding very suggestive. He looks flustered for a second before following through and shoving a bottle of black nail polish at me with a grunt. 

Black huh? My smile grows bigger as I deftly paint his nails, making much quicker work of it. "There - done!" I say proudly. Katsuki studies it with squinted eyes, shooting me a cursory glance before shrugging; "Eh, good enough."

"Good enough?! It's immaculate!" I exclaim indignantly, ready to start again when I see his smirk. "Ugh you joker" I grumble. 

He suddenly locks eyes on me and I notice how fidgety he's gotten. Katsuki stands up and offers his hand to me; "C'mon let's get out of here, I'm bored." I shrug and take his hand. 

We go up to the rooftop - our special place, where we look out at the bustling city full of happenings down below. I study him out of the corner of my eye, he looks so awkward... what's going on? As if in answer to my thoughts he clears his throat and faces me.

"Are you gonna break up with me?" I blurt out, trying to not sound desperate. 

He frowns at me in confusion; "what the hell? No why would you think that?" 

I inwardly breath a sigh of relief as I say, slightly mortified; "Oh nothing don't mind me, what were you gonna say?" 

He gives me another weird look; "You're weird" 

I raise my eyebrows, saying matter of factly; "I'm really not."

He mirrors my expression before moving back to the subject at hand. "Well, there's some stupid dance at UA, and well, I just thought you'd wanna go with me." 

I hate the blush betraying my innocent excitement as I hold back a smile; "But I'm not part of UA..." 

He answers readily; "the students can bring a plus one... I double checked" he added reassuringly.

"Oh well, then, yeah I-I would love to go" I say shyly, my heart still racing with a ridiculous excitement. 

He scrunches up his face and says brashly; "Really? It's probably gonna be so boring! With it's crap music and cheap entertainments - tch, give me a break." 

I shrug; "All sounds like heaven."

He observes me curiously before saying; "you're really excited for this?"

I turn back to the view and reply simply; "Yeah, I've never experienced that, and to be honest - you'll probably laugh - but it's kinda part of my bucket list."

I cringe, ready for the barrage of ridicule from him, but instead he smiles genuinely; "huh, kinda dumb but fair enough" 

I laugh and nudge him playfully. "Well jeez KitKat! So is that it? Was that what you were nervous for that whole time?"

He snarls; "What the hell I wasn't nervous!" 

I raise an eyebrow at him, making him roll his eyes and admit; "OK well maybe a little."

I smile at him happily as I lean against his strong muscly arm.
"will you be ok though?" He asks in a soft voice. I shrug, my heart too light to pay any of that any attention; "Only one way to find out I guess."

"You are way to carefree for your own good you know that right?" He mumbles, which I answer with a soft laugh.

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