A Marvellous Day, and a Magical Night

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Y/n's POV:

"Oi. Airhead. You ready?" 

I look away from the window and spot Bakugo in the doorway with a disgruntled look on his face. I roll my eyes playfully; "Duh" I reply, I cross the room and pass him, looking for no one in particular while hiding a smirk. He grabs my arm and pulls me back and says with an indignant expression; "what, no kiss?"
I scrunch my face up, feigning thoughtfulness before conceding; "fine" I gave him a quick peck on the lips, grinning at his growl. 
"We should get going before Doc changes his mind - if it weren't for my psychologist's strong recommendation for me to be able to go out, he wouldn't have allowed me" I remind him as I loop my arms through his and lead him out of the hospital with a light heart.

"So, where are we going?" I ask. He smirks smugly; "that's for me to know, and you to find out." 

I imitate his earlier growl, making his smirk grow into a smile. "Come on, you'll love it." No doubt about it I think in agreement, as we get into a taxi. 

"Whoaa!" I exclaim in delight as I look out wide-eyed onto the beautiful expanse of the Imperial Palace East Gardens with awe. Bakugo watches me with a warm look, as I drink in all the fresh (Fresh!) air, he slings his good arm casually around me and lead me on a tour of the park.

Hanging out in the park progressed to brunch at a quaint cafe, that turned into feeding the ducks by the pond. Afterwards, he took me to an arcade where the competitive side of me broke free and ruled most of our matches - much to Bakugo's annoyance teehee - though he did point out the fact that he was one hand short but he's just a sore loser.
I found just how much of a softie he was - I mean, that boy would buy me anything if I asked for it - we would go into a store and he'd even go as far as to get into a fight with a kid over something I found a little interest in. It would've been embarrassing if I had given a shit, and if he went about it any other way - and to be honest, not to be cheesy or anything, but this day has been one of the best days of my life.
It was afternoon when all the excitement and adrenaline of today catches up to me, god, is having fun this tiring? I think doggedly, as I try not to lean against Bakugo (who was carrying most of our purchases one handed despite my offer to carry them) too much so as not to alert him of my declining energy. But to no avail, he sees through my act by giving me a sharp glance before steering me towards a taxi. Once inside and on our way back to the hospital, I lean against his good shoulder and let myself doze off.

"hey, wake up, we're here" Bakugo's voice wakes me up from a light doze. I follow him out of the taxi, but as I stood up the all too familiar feeling of the ever-healing destructive force in my body returned with a vengeance, making me sit back down as the world spun before my dimming eyes. "I'm ok. Just got dizzy is all..." I murmur as I feel Bakugo's concern. "You're the worst goddamn liar Y/n" Bakugo growls as he knelt before me, pressing his forehead against mine as if to somehow share the pain. Our moment was interrupted by the taxi driver's complaints; "You kids done yet? I haven't got all day!" 
Bakugo used his free hand to cover one of my ears before yelling back at the driver; "CAN'T YOU SEE SHE'S FEELING SICK YOU DAMN MORON!" 
And before the driver could yell back, I managed to stand with the help of Bakugo who in turn glares at the taxi driver. I force a chuckle at the situation, as I try to not look half dead when Doc sees us. "Y/n! Finally! I was about to send out a search party! Everything go smoothly?" Doc asks with a paternal air.
"Yeah Doc! Best time ever! I'm all good" I say with a gleam in my eye despite my irritating weakness.
Doc raised an eyebrow, looking me over; "Mhh, yes well I'll be the judge of that" he turns to Bakugo and continues; "Well young man, you brought her back in one piece, so thank you for that. I'll take her from here" Ugh. "I'm right here ya know, and I'm not made of glass" I interject, just as my insides seemed to shatter before coming back together. my body just loves to contradict my words doesn't it I think disgruntled. Doc ignores my bullshit and walks off, leaving the nurses to lead me away. I gave Bakugo a big kiss, whispering in his ear; "Thanks for today KitKat it was the best" before I followed the nurses, leaving looking slightly dizzy, as he scowls in my direction, his face laced with concern.

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