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Y/n's POV:

I try to steady my legs shaking in relief as we emerge from that damn bank out into the fresh air. "Whew! Thought I'd never see the light of day again!" I say lightly, surprisingly optimistic despite the shit I just went through. All's well that ends well I guess, I think with a smile on my face. I catch Katsuki's face still having some leftover concern, so I squeeze his gloved hand reassuringly. 

"Hey Kacchan!" A smiling round faced boy with shaggy dark green hair ran up to us in an all green hero suit. He must be one of Katsuki's classmates, I think.
I instinctively let go of Bakugo's hand and move away, but he just grabs my hand and pulls me closer. 

"What do you want you damn nerd!" He growls at the green clothed dude.

"Just making sure we got everybody!" He replies brightly. Before turning to me; "You must be the one who used morse code to signal us! Thank you so much for that, it was a big help!" 

His good nature is infectious so I beam back at him; "Thanks! Good to hear that, fun times huh"

He looks a little awkward before shrugging uncertainly. I have that effect on people I think smugly. "I-I'm Deku by the way!" 

I glance at Katsuki who has a fixed scowl on his face. "Oh so you're Deku! I've heard so much about you!" I say to Deku who laughs and giving Katsuki a grudging but good natured look before saying with a smile; "oh yeah I bet you have, well whatever you've heard know I'm not that bad of a person!" 

I shoot Bakugo a playful glare as I reassure Deku; "Oh don't worry, I never believed a word he said" 
I give Katsuki's hand another squeeze as he growls and retorts; "Yeah yeah whatever now go away unlike you I'm doing work"

Deku raises an eyebrow tentatively before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "Alright then just don't forget to come back to the agency" he says knowingly, and with a farewell wave to me he jogs out into the fray of hostages getting checked by the paramedics as Bakugo snarled after him. 

"Tch. Come on" he says, leading me over to the paramedics where he drops off the probably traumatised kid with his mom who thanks us profusely.

"He's nice" I comment, talking about Deku as I sit by the ambulances with a blanket around my shoulders, still holding hands with Katsuki who stands by me protectively.

"Ughhh please, he's nothing but a damn nerd" he grumbles. "Takes one to know one" I retort slyly. He balks and shoots me a hot glare; "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY" he yells explosively. I smirk jokingly and nudge him with a laugh; "Oh come on! Lighten up! It was a joke."
He growls, rolling his eyes as he shoots back; "You're acting all tough - pretending you're not all  trembling and scared!" 

My mouth drops, how dare he! Oh I see, he needs to blow off some steam. "Uh! Excuse me! It's just the remaining adrenaline from today! Not everyone has chunky gauntlets to hide the natural occurrence of shaking after a traumatic event!" I say defensively. 

"These gauntlets saved your life you ingrate!" He rages, tearing his hand away from mine.

Ok that's enough blowing off steam I think to myself. I stand up gingerly and place a hand on his forearm and point out matter of factly; "No, you saved me, like the hero you are."

To my surprise he turns all red and flustered, damn, I underestimated myself I think vaguely as Katsuki immediately cools down and grumbles roughly; "Tch and don't you forget it dumbass." 

in saying that he leans in for a kiss only to have me stop him with a finger and add; "I mean, I would have been fine on my own, to be honest I was already working on an escape plan for-" 

"yeah yeah yeah I know Dumbass" Katsuki interrupts ever so rudely and takes me by the back of my neck and kissed me hard, leaving me all light and slightly dizzy, my chest all abuzz.
"No fair, I was supposed to do that!" I whine softly as we pull apart. "Besides, we are in public Katsuki!" I hiss, a pink flush creeping up my neck.

He gives me that devil-may-care smirk of his - the kind where it takes all your strength not to swoon to - and growls cockily; "So?"
Now it's my turn to be flustered; "So? Public Katsuki!" 

"Oh come on, live a little" he says loudly before reading my expression and cutting me off; "Nah uh, you are not gonna slip in another death joke of yours."

Before I could say another word, my view was suddenly blocked by a pink figure.
 "Omg!!!!! Are you Bakugo's girlfriend!?!?!?!?!? You're so hot!!!! Hi I'm Mina Ashido wanna be besties?!" She squealed, jumping up and down as Katsuki yelled at her. A bit overwhelmed, I couldn't help laughing at her high energy as I try to catch up; "Hey! Um, thanks? You're really hot too! And yeah I-I'd love to be besties!"
Mina squealed happily again, then pulls gently me towards a group of girls and introduces them all to me.

-----Bakugo's POV:

I watch disgruntled as Y/n is whisked away by Raccoon eyes. Eying the couple of the boys also introducing themselves to her, that pervy little small fry better not come near Y/n I think, keeping an eye out for that repulsive grape. 

"Hey Bakubro! Ya think Y/n has a single sister?" Pikachu asks as he comes up to me from the crowd around Y/n. 

"Tch! Fuck off Dunce face and get back to work" I say, "I'm gonna bring Y/n back to the hospital."

I push my way through the crowd of my classmates gathered around Y/n, all talking and laughing. Y/n herself looked like she was having the time of her life which I was glad for, but if I didn't bring her back to the hospital soon, her Doc will be after my blood - and if there's one person I would most likely be reluctant to mess with it's doctors who have access to all sorts of those syringes and scalpels. 

"C'mon you damn idiots we still have work to do!" I say loudly, grabbing Y/n's hand gently. After much complaining and farewell to Y/n, the damn losers finally dispersed to do their job, leaving us two alone. 

"That nurse of yours is waiting for you by one of the ambulances, they'll take you home... I need to stay here" I say apologetically. 

"Oh sure! Yeah I'll be fine" She replies, walking slowly and hugging my arm to her. She sighs and looks up at me; "y'know, even with all the shit that happened today, I'm actually very happy..." 

I snort, "That coz you made friends with those losers?" 

She shoots me a chiding look; "FYI they're not losers and I think you know that - and yes, I'm happy I actually made some friends other than you." 

"Mhh" I mumble as we stop at the ambulance. We see the nurse she was with in the front seat, a terrified expression on her face. 
"Well, good luck here. And thanks again for the save" she says softly, going on tiptoes and kissing me fully on the lips before getting into the ambulance as it drove away.

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