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In the car, Maira was fuming over the suspense thing and John noticed this, so he asked," What happened Miss Maira? Is anything bothering you?"

"Yes John! This Master of yours is killing me with his surprise!" Maira said angrily.

"If you want to know it that badly, I can-" Kai cut John off in mid sentence," No, you are not opening your mouth! Or it would be your last day as my butler!"
John just lowered his face in submission and kept driving.

Maira chuckled at this but soon returned to her fuming self.

After almost 20 minutes of drive, the car came to a jolt before a building.

Maira was in awe of the grandeur of the building when Kai started to walk inside it. Maira followed him, looking around in amazement.

" Sorry but you don't have any appointment." Lady at the reception said to Kai.

"I don't need any. He knows me and won't mind." Kai said simply walking towards the lift.

They went on the top floor with the help of lift.

They stopped at a door. Kai knocked at it two times and a gentle voice came from inside " Come in."

Inside the room was an old man dressed in a black suit and a hat with white moustache.

As soon as he saw his visiters, he stood up from his chair and came to Kai ," Kai! I haven't seen you since the world championship ended. How're you doing?"

Kai just sighed and said," I am fine. I came here for.." Kai tried searching for a word that would suit his reputation but was finding it difficult.

"A little help." Maira completed."I guess." Then said confused.

Kai face palmed. He wasn't fond of using that word." Maira, Meet Mr. Dickinson. He is the head of BBA." Kai introduced.

"Oh! Hello, pleasure meeting you sir. I am Maira." Maira introduced herself with a bow.

Mr. D smiled at this kindly and said," No need for the formalities. I am really happy to meet you. So, how can I help you?"

Kai rolled his eyes as he said 'help'.

They took their seats and Kai explained everything to Mr. D.

After deep thinking, Mr. D said " So this is the matter. Normally I wouldn't do something like that but since Kai has asked me, I will surely register you." He hesitated," But according to the rules, first I have to test your skills."

"I am fine with that. But please I can't afford my identity to get revealed." Maira said.

"No worries, my child. Its an ordinary competition, so there would be no problem in hiding your identity. After all I know your identity and that is enough. But if you participate in the world championship, then you will have to reveal yourself." Mr. D stated.

Maira nodded" Thank you so much!"

" Okay, so you will have to battle one of our best blader here and win." Mr Dickinson explained.

They went to the training hall where a blue haired boy was battling a fat guy and as they approached them, a blade knocked out the other bey with ease and the blue haired boy picked his blade victorious.

"Kim, meet Maira. She wants to battle you." Mr. D said.

Kim nodded and readied himself for the launch. Maira looked at Kai, who nodded. She went to the other side of stadium and took her launching position.

Both the blades clashed furiously. No one wanted to give opponent any opportunity.

"I will never lose to a girl, come on partner! Let's end this!" Kim shouted.

Maira smirked at this, "You have lost the moment when you underestimated me. Now, Stranzer! Fire spiral!"
With this said, fire started surrounding Stranzer and a fire armour graced Stranzer. With a single attack, the other blade flew out of the stadium.

"Very well done my dear. I knew that if Kai has brought you here, then you ought to be skilled but you are even better than I have thought." Mr. Dickinson admitted." I will register you. All the best for the competition." He gave her a kind smile and left.

Time skip..

Now Maira is at home preparing for the upcoming competition when suddenly she heard someone.

She went outside to check but there was nobody. ' That's pretty strange. I am sure I heard someone.'

But she went inside and open social media. She saw Kai's profile, so she followed him.

After some scrolling, she got a notification and to her surprise, Kai had followed her back.

She checked his profile and saw that he is only following her and had a load of followers.

She blushed at the thought but she knew that she should not put it in a wrong way. Afterall he is a billionaire and the world champion.

' What am I thinking? I think I am falling for him. No, but I shouldn't. I have to control my feelings. Its wrong, he is doing so many favours on me. I can't just develop feelings for him.' Maira thought.' What should I do, Stranzer?'
' Just follow your heart, Maira. There is nothing wrong in falling for a right person. You just have to find out that is he the one?' Stranzer suggested.

"I think so, but what if he considers me as a friend and I will lose his friendship while trying to attain his love?" Maira asked now more tensed.

"Then leave it to destiny and follow your beyblading dream for now." Stranzer concluded.

Maira nodded and was about to sleep when she heard her notification tune ringing continuously.

She checked her phone only to find out so many followers on her account.
' It should be the result of Kai following me back' she sighed.

Some days passed peacefully as at school everyone was trying to forget Maira's anger even Bianca. And as her parents were not home, she practiced blading comfortably.

In the meantime, Kai and Maira had become good friends.

Day of competition..

It was early morning, when Maira woke up and did some light exercises as she didn't want to tire her self before competition. It wasn't the world championship, but was a quite grand competition and so many beybladers had participated in it. She was nervous but Kai had told her that she would do great.

As she was getting ready, she heard noise outside her room. She came outside and was shocked to death.

'How is it possible? They didn't tell me anything about this. How will I be able to make it to the competition now?' Maira thought.

She could feel her throat choking. For the first time in so many years, she felt her hopes collapsing and tear welled up in her eyes just with the thought of not being able to participate in the competition she had been preparing for.

She was unable to understand anything. Her mind had stopped working. ' What should I do now?' she asked herself.

To be continued..

Author's note :- Please ignore my mistakes and keep reading to find out the reason that what is it that shocked Maira.

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