22. Dread and roasting

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Jeongguk woke up with a loud grunt when his daughter jumped onto his stomach and lay on top of him, settling with her face buried into his chest. His arm instinctively wrapped around her so that she wouldn't fall off and hurt herself.

After a couple of minutes, he woke up once again, this time more awake and lucid to realize that he was still on the couch in the living room with his head on Taehyung's lap.

He tilted his head up to look at his boyfriend and found him sleeping in the same position he was sitting in the previous night with his arms crossed on his chest and his head lolling in front of him.

Even though he knew that this was one of the best positions for Taehyung to sleep well in, the position still looked uncomfortable to have spent the whole night in.

He looked at the comforter that Seokjin or Namjoon might have wrapped around them after they fell asleep and made up his mind. He was going to buy a comfortable recliner chair for Taehyung to sleep at night.

He pulled his phone out right away and within the next five minutes, the order was placed. He smiled at his phone proudly and looked up at his sleeping boyfriend once again, only to find him frowning at him sadly.

"What was that for?" Taehyung asked him groggily, unlocking his arms and sitting up straight with a small groan. His chest still felt tight from the heavy events of the previous night, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Nothing new.

"What was what for? Good morning, baby," Jeongguk asked Taehyung and greeted his daughter, sitting up with his other arm wrapping around Hana after realizing that she was awake too.

"Gummanin Appa and Oppa," Hana greeted groggily with her tiny fists rubbing her eyes.

"Gummanin baby," Taehyung greeted her back with a smile before turning back to Jeongguk with a little glare. "That recliner chair that you ordered," he said.

"Ohh....I've been wanting to buy it for a really long time now. Wanna chill on it after getting back from the office, you know?" Jeongguk lied smoothly. White lies were good for everyone sometimes, you know?

Taehyung's forehead smoothed out immediately after knowing that the chair wasn't for him. "Ohh, okay, good," he said and scooted closer to Jeongguk for a kiss.

Jeongguk looked at Hana and patted her back. "Go to the room, baby. We'll follow you and we can brush together," he said. "Othay!" Hana said and climbed out of his lap and ran off to the room that she had slept in.

Jeongguk immediately turned to Taehyung and smashed their lips together, not caring about both of their morning breaths.

"Okay, okay, that's enough now. Just because we asked you to stay here for a couple of days doesn't mean we asked you to make us want to jump out of the window every time we step out of our room," Jeongguk heard Seokjin say and felt Taehyung pull out immediately with a small, sheepish giggle.

"Sorry, hyung," Taehyung said and got off the couch. "Thank you for the comforter," he said and proceeded to fold it up. "No problem," Namjoon said just as he walked out of the bedroom with a T-shirt and shorts on. "We'll be going to work, anyway, so make yourselves comfortable here, okay? Jinnie's gonna cook anyway, so don't worry about that," he said.

Seokjin nodded along with Namjoon's words, but Taehyung shook his head aggressively. "No, no, hyung, I'm here. I'll cook for all of you. Cooking is my job. Let me cook for you. You guys go to work without worrying about it," he said, repeating the same line in three different ways to emphasize his point.

Seokjin rolled his eyes with a laugh. "You are my guest, Taehyung. I can't let you cook for me even if it is your job," he said.

"Well, if I am your guest, it is your duty to make me feel good and I would feel better if I cooked for all of you," Taehyung argued, making Jeongguk and Namjoon snort right away while Seokjin opened his mouth and closed it without knowing what to say.

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