25. Blue

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Jeongguk felt a hand hit his chest clumsily, but he was too into his sleep to realize that the hand had long fingers and not the tiny ones that he was used to. 

He unconsciously just tightened his hold around his daughter and continued sleeping through his boyfriend's struggle. 

About fifteen minutes later, he moved his legs unconsciously, only to yank them back after they touched something freezingly cold. 

With his mind half awake, he moved his legs again to investigate what the cold substance was, and after a while of fidgeting, he realized that it was someone's foot. With his mind still half-conscious, he supposed Taehyung lay down next to Hana, and went back to sleep, only to sit up after a few more seconds. 

Why would Taehyung lie down when he had fallen asleep on his bed with a huge stack of pillows in front of him so that he could sleep upright while resting his head on the pillows?

'Maybe his heart isn't bothering him too much tonight,' he thought and flickered the light on so that he could at least put a pair of socks on Taehyung's feet to stop them from freezing. 

He fumbled in his bag for a while and finally grabbed a pair of socks and turned to Taehyung, only to freeze on his tracks with his breath hitching up horribly. 


That was the colour of Taehyung's feet. Horrified, Jeongguk looked up at Taehyung's face and found his lips blue as well. It was then that he noticed the odd angle at which Taehyung was lying. 

It took him painfully long to get himself together and realize that something was seriously wrong with his boyfriend. "....hyung?" he called out hesitantly, but loud enough for a sleeping man to stir. 

When Taehyung didn't even move a muscle, not even his chest, Jeongguk leaped forward and shook Taehyung gently. "Hyung?....hyung!!!....Tae hyung!!!!!" he called out, increasing his volume each time. 

It wasn't until he rolled Taehyung onto his back and watched his left arm dangle limply over the side of the bed that he didn't realize that Taehyung wasn't even breathing. 

"HYUNG!!! TAEHYUNG!!! OH MY GOD, HYUNG!! he yelled and shook him violently, but it was of no use. 

He dashed out of the room and brought his hand up to bang the shit out of Seokjin and Namjoon's bedroom door, but the door swung open on its own and Seokjin stepped out sleepily, but with worry on his features. 

"What's wro-"

"TAEHYUNG!!" Jeongguk yelled, not knowing what to say. 

"What about him?" Seokjin asked, but Namjoon dashed past him, remembering the quarter-empty aspirin pill bottle that he had seen in his bathroom cabinet. 

Jeongguk ran behind him, only to find Namjoon dialing the ambulance on his phone and pacing frantically in the guest room. 

"Baby, take Hana to our room," Namjoon said to Seokjin, knowing Jeongguk was too shocked and disturbed to listen to him. Seokjin, even though shocked after seeing the blue feet and lips of Taehyung, pulled himself together and hurried to pick Hana up. 

Fortunately, the kid had slept through all of Jeongguk's frantic yells, and thus, they didn't have to worry about that at the moment. 

Remembering the first aid that Seokjin had learned when he was young, he ran back to the room and took one of Taehyung's feet. "Gguk, do this to the other one," he said and began to rub the base of the foot as harshly as he could, his face going red with the force that he was using.

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