30. Conflicts

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Jeongguk couldn't find out even a single piece of information from Taehyung the next day at breakfast. It just led to him pushing Taehyung over the edge, leading to another fight between them.

Nonetheless, he started sleeping in Taehyung's room, on his bed, along with Hana while Taehyung slept in the recliner chair every night with his inhaler in his hand. 

He noticed how increasingly difficult it was becoming for his boyfriend to breathe at night, but he had no idea what to do. Taehyung wasn't even talking to him. He just cooked food for him, all the while staying silent, and talked to Hana only after Jeongguk left. 

After a long conflict with himself, he decided to visit the doctor in Daegu. But the problem was that he didn't remember his name. He didn't even remember if Taehyung had mentioned his name. 

The only thing he remembered was the hospital that Taehyung had visited in Seoul and there was no way he would break into Taehyung's phone for his doctor's number even if Taehyung's phone did not have a password. 

He knew and understood that this was a serious breach of privacy, but he couldn't just stand by the side and keep watching his boyfriend struggle so hard. It had only been a week since their date got ruined, but he could clearly see the fall in his body weight. 

He could clearly see that Taehyung was slowly becoming weaker and weaker. He tried to ask Taehyung to stop cooking for them and that he would appoint a cook for them, but that just led to yet another fight between them. 

Realizing that Taehyung was very stubborn when it came to taking help from someone, he let it be, deciding to help from the sidelines without letting him know about it. 

And that was how he found himself standing at the reception of the hospital where he had dropped Taehyung the other day, to get information about the doctor that his boyfriend had consulted. 

Not to get information about Taehyung. He decided not to violate Taehyung's privacy. He decided to just help to the best of his abilities without making any mistakes. 

He just wanted to add a few amendments to Taehyung's appointments without letting him know anything about it. Taehyung was supposed to visit the hospital the next day and Jeongguk wanted to make sure he talked to the doctor before that. 

Fortunately, he could get information about the doctor after bribing the lady at the reception desk. He was one of those people who hated buying his way through with money, but he supposed this situation was an exception. 

The next day, even though Taehyung was still mad at him after those two huge fights between them, he dropped him at the hospital and informed him that the company's driver would wait for him outside the hospital. 

Taehyung almost saw red when Jeongguk gave him the company car's number. He did NOT want any help. He wanted to be independent despite his condition. Was that too much to ask for? 

He was already taking too much help from the Jeon family as it is. 

However, he was too mad at Jeongguk to talk to him and tell him that he didn't need to send his company driver for him and that he could take the bus and get back home. 

He had planned to roam around a little and see if he could find a job after the appointment but he supposed he couldn't do that now if he was going to use Jeongguk's company car. That would be burdening the driver and he did not want to do that. 

With angry tears threatening to escape his eyes' boundaries, he forced out a "fuck you" with gritted teeth and slammed Jeongguk's door close. 

He supposed even the universe didn't want him to earn money and get a replacement to keep living. He supposed even the universe wanted him dead. 

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