Chapter 2

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"Hey." I smiled to Adam. I had seen him ahead of me in the halls and had to run to catch up with him.

"Why didn't you stop. I called your name a bunch of times." I told him, out of breath.

"Talia? How far will you go?" He turned to me.

"What?" I asked, confused. What did he mean? He seemed kind of out of it and it was scaring me.

"With me. How far will you go with me?" He looked at me expectantly.

I understood now. He meant in bed. How far would I go in bed. This was a subject we had talked about three years ago when we first started dating. We decided that when we both were ready we would do it. I still wasn't ready.

"Adam I-"

"I knew you wouldn't." He rolled his eyes and walked away.

This wasn't Adam. He was acting really weird. What had happened in detention that made him so spaced out? I almost chuckled to myself at what I was about to do.

I walked up to the open locker and leaned against the one next to it.

"What happened in detention today?" I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to show I meant business.

"Excuse me?" He slammed his locker shut.

"Harry, what happened in detention?" I pushed. He was clearly cranky and I knew I was stepping over the line by bugging him but I wanted to know why Adam was acting the way he was.

"I don't know." He mumbled, walking away.

"Harry, what happened?" Now I was getting mad. I just want to know what happened.

"I'm not in the mood." He growled, not looking at me.

"Neither am I but here I am. Now tell me what the hell happened." I grabbed his arm knowing I would regret it later.

Harry had two rules. Don't touch him and don't swear at him. I just broke both of them.

"I just talked to him, alright. I didn't hurt your precious boyfriend." He held his hands up in defense, still agitated with me.

"What did you tell him?" I crossed my arms and stood in front of him, hoping he wouldn't try to run away again.

Although it wasn't hard to find him in a crowd, he was fast.

"I told him that you two had been dating for three years and nothing had changed. I said that you two were like a little middle school couple. You kiss each other on the cheeks and hold hands. Never once I have I seen you kiss him on the lips." His face was burning red with irritation. He was pissed, but so was I.

"I've kissed him on the lips!" I defended. I'm not sure if I was defending Adam or myself.

"How many times?" Harry scoffed.

"Uh- well, I don't know!" Harry had caught me. He and I both knew that it had only been twice. Once at semi freshman year, and another at a party while I was drunk.

"Twice!" He yelled. "Three years! You are seniors in high school and you've kissed twice! You guys are hopeless! Just brake up already!"

"Ugh!" I screeched, rolling my eyes and walking away.

"This is why I hate Harry Styles." I mumbled to myself with my head low.

I pushed open the door and began my trek home. I couldn't find my keys this morning so I couldn't drive. Adam already left school and he wouldn't come get me. Eea took he bus. I was hopeless. I had to... *gulp* walk.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now