Chapter 14

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"Lunch." I breathed out as I took the few steps to my locker. Adam hadn't showed today, not that I care, but I think Harry was a little happy.

When I opened my locker a little white piece of paper flew out. Picking it up, I unfolded it slowly.

In messy handwriting it said: meet me on the football field during lunch- the hottest man on the planet


I rolled my eyes at his note but began the journey to the field anyway. The wind hit me the second the door was open but it calmed down a second after.

When I got to the edge of the pavement surrounding the field, Bradley came up to me, smiling.

"Uh, hi." He put his hands in his pockets.

"Hi." I glanced over his shoulder to see Harry frowning on the field. It was more then a frown, he was angry.

"So uh, some of my friends are going to the movies with their girlfriends tonight and I don't have anyone to go with me. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come?" He pulled his shoulders up to his ears.

"Um, I-"

"Hey Talia!" Harry had moved a little closer to us.

I gave him that look to say 'not now' but he didn't stop.

"Fine, I'll go there." Harry ran up to us, smiling innocently.

"Hi Brad." Harry's voice was cold and his jaw was sharp.

"Hi... Harry, um, Talia... the question?" Brad looked back to me.

Harry's stare was burning into me. He folded his lips in. (the picture I attached to this)


"Talia, me and the boys were thinking that you could-" Harry interrupted me again.

"Harry! Stop." I snapped at him. His eyebrows narrowed. "Thanks for the offer Bradley, I would love to."

"Great. I'll pick you up at eight." Brad smiled then walked away, catching a quick look at Harry.

Once he was out of earshot, I turned back to Harry.

"What the hell? Brad just basically asked me out and you kept interrupting! I understand that you told me to come but if someone is asking me out, you shut up." I turned around and walked away, not caring about what he wanted anymore.

"What if I'm the one-" I didn't hear the rest.


"Hey Talia." Zayn came up to me, smirking.

"Hi." I wasn't in a good mood. Harry had ruined it.

"How was your lunch?" Zayn was smiling now.

"Terrible." I mumbled, taking out my notebook for the class.

"What? Why? Look he really likes you and-"

"Brad asks me out and Harry stands there continuously interrupting me when I try to answer him. Harry is ridiculous." I rubbed my temples, thinking of how I spent my lunch.

"Oh he didn't...?" Zayn looked confused.

"Who didn't do what?" I flipped to the next clean page in my note book.

"Nothing." Zayn went back to his seat and sat down, his face still showing how confused he was.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now