Chapter 10

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"Why'd you do it?" I asked him, my gaze flicking from his right eye to his left.

"Because." He mumbled, looking at his hands.

"Harry," I warned. "Why? Why was Adam even at school?"

"He was proven innocent in court." He whispered.

"What?" I felt my eyes brim with tears again.

"He was proven innocent. They said since he didn't do anything he was innocent."

"But he was about to do something! He brought fucking condoms!" I screeched, fighting as if I could change the courts mind.

"Talia it's over." Harry muttered. "He came to brag to everyone."

"Well why did you fight him? Because he was bragging?" I was utterly confused at this point.

"No." Harry paused then took in a deep breath. "I fought him because he was talking about you."

I squinted my eyes, waiting for Harry to continue.

"He was talking about the trial and stuff an then he was like 'oh where's that bitch Talia, she's gonna pay for what she did' and he said that he was gonna do what he was gonna do in the first place. I punched him. I got really mad and punched him." Harry glanced at me a few times but mostly kept his eyes to his hands.

"Harry you know Adams bigger then you." I rolled my eyes. What went through his head? "What happened when you saw me? You just kind of... gave up."

"I saw you crying and knew I messed up so I let Adam hit me because that's what I deserve." Harry said. I felt bad for him. He didn't deserve to get the air knocked out of him. He didn't deserve anyone of those punches... okay maybe one.

"I just don't understand you Harry. Last night you were all flirty. Then earlier you were a ass, and now you're punching my ex-boyfriend because he was talking shit about me." I chuckled a little. "I still don't know why you changed."

"That's the plan." He whispered. "I'll see you tomorrow Talia." Harry stood up and walked out of the bathroom. I heard the front door close and his car start up. At the time, I didn't notice tomorrow was Saturday.

"Bye." I whispered. A tear dropped down my face.

I was crying over Harry Styles and I don't even know why.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now